Usain’s Strength Training

Here we go again fogelson. You really have it in for me don’t you. Have you still not got over that very mild argument we had in another thread several weaks ago? Are you the same person that gave me a negative reputation point for it? Yes, I think you are. Because even now, you are obviously still holding a grudge, that you need to come out and say such things.

Every statemnet I have made can be backed up. The fact is I have read a journal published on a major science website. It showed smith machine squats did not cause as much nervous sytem fatigue as barbell squats.

Now, is your point that there is no such thing as neural fatigue? If that is your point, then you really are one of those overly pedantic dicks that miss the boat entirely (and I’m getting annoyed with you -yes).

I suppose you’re going to lecture me about the nervous system not having substrates or something and that it doesn’t have the fatigue that we associate with muscles.

Well, when the nervous system becomes ‘depressed’ as a way to conserve energy in the future (for several days), a better phrasing than fatigue, would be central nervous system ‘lathargy’, where it atleast acts fatigued. (which if you think about it, is as good as fatigued.) Or I could use the phrase neural depression, but you would probably criticise that aswell.

What’s your f%$cking problem fogelson? That you have to call it nonsense?

If you think you can bully me from thread to thread, you are seriously mistaken.