University of Hawaii Football

This is an unusual question, I know, but I was wondering if anyone on the forum knows what the University of Hawaii Football team does in terms of speed and strength work? I have no tie to the school, only curiosity because of their run and shoot system, specifically towards the quarterbacks and receivers. That is a tremendous amount of throwing and running, seemingly much more than many schools. Would volumes, intensities, or distances, be altered relative to a running-oriented school? Just food for thought…

Number Two might know.

I’ll find out - got the UH track coach at my house tonight.

Many thanks to Charlie and to Number Two. I look forward to what Hawaii’s track coach may know.

Track coach didn’t know too much. Someone else I talked to (who was an athlete at UH) said there were a lot of hamstring injuries, more emphasis on upper body work, no olympic lifts. So, I wouldn’t try to take much out of how they train and how it relates to their offense - because it doesn’t sound like there is a connection.

Isn’t that the true. We (in this field) always think there is so much to everything. We look at things deeply, when in reality things aren’t nearly that planned.

I know UH doesn’t have a mens track program. que lastima. that would be my dream just good enough at the 400 to get a little U of H money and just good enough acidamicly to get a little more money. :slight_smile: que lastima.

also UofH football doesn’t really have great atheltes in the run in shoot IMO, its a good system and allows them to play with people they shouldn’t be able to play with but they also lose to people who they shouldn’t lose to.

So true, D Nasty. Just when U. of H. has beaten an Alabama, Michigan State, or Northwestern, they come up short against Florida Atlantic and others.

I guess no matter how creative and fun your offense is, if your defense is giving up points for every time you score, wins will not come easy.

After Owens and Chang left they just didn’t have anyone to step in at that level. I think they should stock more out of the non qualifiers and JUCO players from Cali if they are to compeate in the WAC(or the moutain west, i think its the WAC).

FAU with schellenbegrer(pardon the spelling but the Miami coach in the 80’s) as the coach is a program on the rise and they have alot of atheltes in the backyard to pick over. U of H just doesn’t have the same kind of depth to pick they have there lulls and highs from season to season. Still a fun system to watch. Great when it gets implemented on the high school level as well. Makes up for a talent gap but if the ball takes a bad bounce off a helment or a bad throw is made by the QB then U of H is playing with fire. they can burn the opponent or themselves. Don’t get a ton of there games on standard cable on the east coast so bowl time is always fun to catch the run n shoot.

the other U of H(Houston) with david kingler and Andre Ware(89 winner of the hesimen) was even more prolific at implementing the 5 wide throw 70% of the time, they also had the second tier and acadimc causlties of the entire midwest to pick over, hence the super sanctions. SMU and Houston. SMU didn’t even get off there '87 sanctions until 2004. :mad: The “badlands” of 80’s football recruiting, basketball for that matter as well, but in football players graduating from big 8 schools and not knowing how to read, you know the deal.

back to the run n shoot, anyone else using it in collage besides Nevada and Hawaii? I know La Tech did for a while and so did Idaho but no one else has recently. The Pro sets and throwing to the backs seems to be taking much more of a hold, i guess not “knowing” that there gonna throw keeps the defense off balance who would of thunk it. Still I’ll wager that if they get the atheltes at the skill positions and a good defense by there standards U of H could run the WAC 7-0 and go to a big bowl, they just need to put it all in place for one run, kinda like periodization- haha.

Try posting your question on the Supertraining list. I think one of the Hawaii strength coaches posts semi-regularly.

I agree that Florida Atlantic, especially with Schnellenberger, could have good things to come. South Florida is sick with talent, and even if they get people that the 'Canes, 'Gators, and Seminoles, never wanted, it could be better than a bunch of other schools.

As for other teams with a run and shoot, I think Texas Tech uses it, or at least some variation of the offense.

They throw alot but its more to the backs and on crossing routes and other possession routes, more successful as a system but not as exciting to watch as the U of H.

I forgot the bring them up, I guess my collage football fan privalages have been revoked.

Haha…nah, no privileges revoked. I cannot think of any other 1-A team that runs a true run and shoot. I know that teams like Purdue and Arizona State throw a bunch, but not out of a run and shoot.

everyone throws now but no one has been able to win more than 9 or maybe ten games running strictly run n shoot, i don’t think they ever will, its just to limiting.

I have a friend who goes there for Football. He got tested for strength (Power Clean, Squat and Bench I believe) but also said something along the lines of you lift whenever you get time too.
I have a copy of an old Summer Program. Its nothing special weights wise. Lift 6 days a week, 2 upper body with a Clean, then a lower body and repeat. Lots and lots of running. I think if anyone went through on that program they would have to be insane, and probably wouldnt get better.

If I gave you my e-mail or mailing address, could I have a copy of the summer program?

I have no plans on adopting it 100%, just curious to see it and learn from others, mistakes or not.

Sure I can tell you what I remember, as the program is at home, and Im at College. And its about 100 pages too so I prob couldnt type all that anyway hehe.


Just sent you a private message with my e-mail address. What you remember would be great. Thank you very much.