Ultra important : ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS

Dear Members, Customers,

It is important to remember that when you order from us, your product is in electronic format.

What does this mean?

How products work

How do I get my order?

To complete your order, you need to just login into your account at our online store. From there you will see ALL of your account activity and manage your downloads.

Be advised that we only store your order and allow for 2 downloads (after that you will see that you have exceeded your downloads**.

Storage on our website is only to complete your transaction and allow you to archive your purchase (burn to CD etc).

**we are sorry, but if you exceed your downloads or forget to safeguard your purchase you will need to re-order a media replacement (Charge $10 for e-books, $20 for videos)

More on products

E-books are electronically created and viewable/printable by using the free Adobe Acrobat reader. eBooks are zipped (.zip) to compress them you require the free winzip program from http://www.winzip.com.

Videos are you electronic and created for the windows media player, and are in .WMV format. They can be burnt to CD for backup as DATA.

I hope this helps you all,
