Tudor Bompa's texts

Lyle, Thanks for explaining. I get you.
My mistake; as you said Poliquin’s model focuses mainly on bodybuilders and athletes who focus on one biomotor quality.

Saying that, he has worked with many other athletes in track and field, speedskating etc so it would be interesting to see how he sets up his periodization for them. Simplified, maybe something like: Accumulaiton/Intensification/Power
before tapering for competition. Who knows. As you said, this is a shorter version of Bompa’s, so detraining of qualities for example in accumulation aren’t lost as time goes on since acc and intensification are rotated.

One interesting point I picked up when I did his level 1 was that volume should be unloading (40%) every third workout in order to allow supercompensation and regeneration. This is something I have seen Bompa recommend and I guess this is also an old concept used by many authors in the field. As you know, Charlie wrote about this in CFTS.

When you put it like that I can see how Poliquin and Issurin’s model is similar in layout to Bompa’s but there’s a far more frequent return to a particular block so detraining doesn’t occur.