Trouble staying awake

Yea you read right, staying awake not staying asleep :smiley: . I get 9-10 hours sleep uninterupted most nights. It takes a good 2 hours for me to fully wake up. For the rest of the day I dont really even feel energetic, just want to snooze for another few hours haha. The only supplement I am on now is a multi-vitamin. Anyone had a similar experience, what sups would you recommened? Caffeine?

I recon both my parents drank the stuff when I was conceived, and during that 9months. I suffered till I was 20 something, always tired in the mornings. Till I found out that I like coffee. Now I have 2 cups a day, one in the morning, which keeps me going to about 1-2pm, then the other. Keeps me going all day.

That’s pretty much standard at your age. I’d try and stay away from stimulants unless it is affecting your work. How do you feel at training?

Yo thanks guys. Im kind of thinking that coffee may help as well. Just turned 18. Its just that I can sleep for ages and still want more sleep. Throughout the day I’m tired, when it comes to training I sort of wake up a bit and coping is fine. But its just a lack of energy and wanting to sleep.

Is coffee a good idea if feeling tired on racing day?

try eating more Good fats, less saturated fats. Olive oils, penut oils, canola ect ect. Add it to your protein shakes too! it sounds worse than it is, its actually nice. Add a banana in there, blend it up, presto, carbs, oils and protein.
Eat more complex carbs too, cut out as much sugar as you can. the brain needs carbs to stay awake, if your burning them all from awsome workouts, the brain will suffer, feed it.

You may want to try some green tea; I have drank coffee in the past and when I stopped I had the worst withdrawl,( headaches,etc) but with the green tea you can stop any time for any duration and have no problem.
I drink it in the A.M. upon awakening and it keeps me going all day.