Triple Jumper Robert Howard Dead

Little Rock - Around one o’clock Saturday morning, Robert Howard, a third year medical student reportedly walked into the emergency room at UAMS covered in blood. As police responded to the scene, Howard fled to the tenth floor of a dorm room, where he jumped to his death. Later, police found his wife Robin Mitchell, murdered at this house on Evergreen. Friends of Howard say he was once a track star at the University of Arkansas.

Friends say Howard was once a track star at the University of Arkansas, adding his death is a harsh reality because another track runner also reportedly killed himself less than a year ago.

Friends began to hear the tragic turn of events. Former running mate Lavar Miller, who lives in St. Louis, looks back at past photos of his friend.

(Lavar Miller) “Everyone knew him. He was a nine time NAA Champion, he gave us a reason to be there. I feel like a part of me is gone.”

It’s a void that leaves Miller contemplating his friend’s state of mind, because Miller points out the future that could have been for this aspiring doctor.

(Miller) “Olympic trials, School, and internet articles show that whatever Rob wanted he did, worked under pressure and he’s a person that everyone wanted to be. I see him holding things inside, but as far as being depressed, no, think others would have noticed.”

Fighting back tears, Miller read a letter that Howard once sent him, he says it’s a fond memory.

(Dr. Albert Reece, Dean of the UAMS College of Medicine) “We are saddened by the untimely deaths. Both were well respected and well liked by their peers and the loss of their lives is tragic.”

Howard’s wife, Dr. Robin Mitchell was a chief resident in the Department of Neurosurgery and UAMS. Officials say they are providing counseling to employees, students, and residents.