triple jump program

hi every one
I’m a triple jumper player , i’m 21 years old
my pb is 12,51m
I would like to know more about a triple jump program (i.e of my training program “phase 2”)

Sa:3*(100-200-300) rest 2min-between sets 5min
Su:technique T/J from 5 steps & from 7 steps
Mo:fartlek & weight training
W: 3*(100-120-150) rest 2min-between sets 5min & weight training
Th:technique T/j

tell what do you think about program

look like shi_ to me. try:

mon: acc/ throws/weights
tue: short approach
wed: run way work/weights
thur: short approach
fri: speed work/throws/weights
sat: fitness work
sun rest

Can you provide a more detailed picture of your weight program and plyo volume with examples. Also rate your state of recovery after your sessions. How many training years?

do u think my plan could work??

Nancy - you should check out some of the material published by Irving ‘Boo’ Schexnayder.


You can see the influence of Charlies training philosophy :slight_smile: in the design of his jumps programme - which is obviously encouraging.

utfootball4 - coached many triple jumpers???

no just a couple.

Boo’s speed & power drills DVD is real good. His triple jump video in that 2nd link isn’t too hot.

I’ve just published an artilce of Boo’s … Planning Technical Training for the Track and Field Athlete

Some interesting things commented on…

By the way - an absolute gentleman.

I had this artilce and was actually going to hold off on it for a bit … but I saw your post yesterday and said you probably needed this sooner than later … so just for you…!