trampet for leg stiffness

It is not a good idea, because there is very little pre-impact tension in the legs when working on a trampet. It is because the trampet is cushioning the blow for you, and your body is adjusting the tension a lot, during the time the canvas is sinking under your weight. It is a much slower build up of tension compared to running.

I have used trampets before, and apart from giving me head aches, they temporarily slowed my sprinting down for the few weeks that I experimented with using them.

If you need to decrease impact forces between sprint days, to aleviate mechanical stress, then you need to either run up hills (where ground impact force is less) or find a grass park for jogging (they are not flat enough for decent tempo pace) or do basement tempo style fitnes.
I’d assume your sprinting is done on the track, as that’s the only place your body can get away with doing more than one rep without feeling beat up.

If you find the grass parks to be a little slippery for jogging, you can allways invest in some soccer or rugby stud boots.

I’ve had to consider these thigns, as I have not allways lived within convenient distance of a running track.