Training to Enter the Next Level.

I’m feeling a lot more glute involvement in my sprinting, MB throws, jumps now. I’m going to keep progressing the weight safely until I can get an estimate of how much I can really do. BTW, it isn’t the most comfortable exercise and I would recommend using a towel around the foam pad on the bar.

Warmup (foam roll, 400yd jog, light static stretch, hip mobility, glute activation, sprint drills, buildups, MB throws)

6 x flying 20yds, last two had a 10yd run in.
MT (Bomb): 3 x
Hurdle Hops: 5 x 5, 30-33", 8’ spacing

Barbell Glute Bridges: 135 x 10, 225 x 6, 275 x 6, 315 x 6, 365 x 4
Bulgarian Split Squats: 37.5’s x 5, 55’s x 5, 80’s x 5. Used straps on last set.
Chin-up burnout: 13 x, 8x
Single Leg-curl: 2 x 6

Not my best day, and I didn’t expect it to be a good day. I’ve had a cold the past two days. I slept for 13-14 hours on Tuesday after taking some nyquil. My allergies have really been flaring up on me. I’ve been recommended to start balancing my pulling strength with my pushing strength. It’s pretty bad when I can only do 13 chinups and bench 285, this issue really needs work.

Warmup (foam roll, light static stretch, 400yd jog, hip mobility, sprint drills, MB throws)

Speed Work: 300yds
3 x 20yds
3 x 40yds
2 x 60yds

MT (Mortar): 3 x

Power Shrugs: 4 x 5, 135lbs
Trap Bar Deadlift (machine): 3 x 10 w/ 135, 1 x 3 w/ 225. Started light and easy.
Bulgarian Split Squat: 47.5’s x 5, 60’s x 5, 85’s x 5

I just started using this pre-workout supplement called “Jack3d.” I think my focus really benefitted from using this. I previously just used caffeine + L-tyrosine. With the speed work, I’ve been doing this with cleats on field turf. I’m having some trouble dorsiflexing since I have new cleats that need some breaking in, might have to use my old cleats. I also feel that I’m not driving my arms vigorous enough when I’m at top speed. Surprisingly, in my warmups I did an OHB throw a yard farther than I usually do. This is a good sign. My training will be great as long as I can focus on constant glute contraction through every movement.


Chinups: 5 x 6, used straps
CG Bench: 135 x 5, 155 x 5, 185 x 5
DB Rows: 3 x 10

Pillar: x 10
Peestal: x 10

Low intense swimming afterwards.

It’s supposed to rain hard tomorrow, I may not get to do speed work outside, or I may wait till thursday. I’m also planning on doing some testing soon like the 40 and the VJ just to see where I’m at right now.

Good idea, I used to test a lot of things after spring ball and I feel it helped steer me in the right direction. I did rep max on squat and bench, 5 bound test, broad jump, vert and either 30 or 40’s.

The Barbell Glute Bridges last friday. I don’t think I’m getting enough hip extention.


Standing VJ - 29"
Depth Vertical Jump - 31"

Very frustrated today. My vert hasn’t improved since my sophomore year in HS! This is not a good sign, and I really need to look at my training to see what changes need to be made. Planning on running the 40yd, 20yds, 10yds, BJ on Friday. It is supposed to rain hard here today and tomorrow.

Did two warm up sessions today consisting of foam rolling, static stretching, sprint drills, hip mobility, and light jogging. I did two because I’m starting to feel a little tight. I’ve also iced my lower back as well to prevent an inflammation from happening.

Warmup - Extra long (foam roll, hurdle mobility, hip mobility, jog 400yds, sprint drills, 2 x 40yd buildups, 2 x OHB)


40yds - 4.72
20yds - 2.73
10yds - 1.63
BJ - 8’8
5 Bound - 48ft
OHB - 18yds
Neutral Grip Chins - 17 reps

This is unacceptable. These numbers are far off my personal bests. Things need to change, this journal is ending now.

Why would you be ending the journal? Nobody said it would be easy, you had surgery and took a good bit of time off. I don’t see how you could expect to be at all time PR’s. Take some time for some GPP, add on some muscle, tack on 50-100 lbs. to your lifts, run sprints a few times a week. Things will be OK, commit to the grind for the long haul. It’s the only way forward…

I didn’t say that I’ve given up. There are too many issues with my training. I’m getting no where, I’m like a chicken running with his head cut off! I wasn’t expecting PB’s, but I could have at least had better numbers that those.

Seriously though, I need to start fresh and this journal is too long. A new journal is necessary as I will construct a game plan starting Monday.

Go hire a qualified coach because 5yrs from now you will be looking back at all the wasted time.

No, I’m wasting my time because I simply don’t have the confidence in progressing with my lower back injury. I keep overestimating the safety of my lower back. I feel that if I try to progress now then I will just be back at square one. My back is already starting to feel inflammed after just testing my jumps. What good is it to progress when that happens?

Yes you are wasting time, you have been training and not making progress at all, I call that wasting time. You should be progressing in something every 3-4 weeks. You are still very young and your training knowledge isn’t that great, don’t let it bite you in the ass 4 years from now.

I agree, that’s why it’s time to make changes…

What’s your training plan? It seems like you have been doing flying sprints etc from day 1, what happen to progressing to those types of runs etc etc.

I am not saying to go out and spend 1000 bucks per week but you may look into getting some online training from someone like Derek, Mike Young, or KB.

BTW, Derek is great and has helped me tons.

Like you said earlier, my knowledge of training sucks so I’m going to get some online training. I just want to get better performance numbers while keeping my lower back healthy. I know it’s not going to be easy and it will require a lot of patience.

Just an aside and a much more minor issue, I wouldn’t do myofascial release via foam rolling as part of a warm-up before a high intensity workout. Spells all kinds of bad.