Training journal of Chris30

Bummer Chris - hope ur feeling better soon - won’t be long til ur back in the gym

Get some good dvd’s in :slight_smile:

Good luck


thanks Gloop!

I am on day 7 now and still feel pretty crappy. Good news is the drugs are starting to work. I am guessing I am at least two weeks away from training. Lovely to be missing a month considering my first comp was going to be dec 12th :frowning:

drugs are starting to kick in well now. I am off the decongestants but still on the puffer, rinse and antibiotics. Starting to sleep better now as well. (Not waking up in fits of coughing)

still weak as a kitten though but it is improving at least. Sometimes you dont realize how sick you are until you start to feel better!


First workout in about 3 weeks.

Went to the gym and did a light weight workout tonight to test the waters.

I weighed myself and couldn’t believe how much weight I have lost. In two and a half weeks I have lost over 12 pounds!

Was 200 pounds and making great strength/speed gains again. Got sick and went down to 188!

Workout was short and it flattened me :frowning:
3 sets of deads (225 for 4 reps)
3 sets of jumpsquats (115 for 15)
3 sets squats (225 for triples)

I finish my antibiotics in about 4 days.

Any advice for how gradually get back into training again? I think it is going to take a while to get back into the swing of things. I dont want to end up sick like this again…EVER


chris you poor thing :frowning:

If it were me, I would drink a lot of protein shakes and focus more than usual on recovery-oriented activities which will be easier on your body, like tempo sessions and attentive stretching.

I don’t have any facts to back this up, but I felt that when I was coming back from illness, lifting really drained me and got me exhausted- perhaps the CNS demand. What has worked for me in the past has been some speed work, more tempo than normal, and taking the lifting at maintenence or slowing down the progression until I’m feeling better again.

Of course having already lost a good bit of weight, tempo might not be what you want! Just listen to your body and DON’T take it too fast before you’re ready to get back into everything. (not just training, but work, etc)

hope you are feeling better! good luck.

I personally find that strength comes back relatively quickly after a bad flu (couple of weeks -> 95+%), and that track speed is relatively undiminished. Don’t push it; keep workouts light and short right now, and in a week or two you can start a short crash-cycle to take you back close to where you were in 3 or 4 workouts. Muscle memory is wonderful.

The missing pounds will also return fairly snappily; it’s often mostly water loss and glycogen depletion if you’ve run a fever for a couple of days.

All that painfully built-up fitness, however … gone, gone, gone, and it’ll be a month before you get back to where you were. Good luck :slight_smile:

Thanks guys I am going to start really slowly.

Lungs still arent feeling the greatest so I am going to introduce things with weights and plyos for now then introduce the running and strength endurance stuff a little later.

I am also speaking with a sports nutritionist to help formulate a diet to get me back to where I was a little faster.


Thats what I thought - although tempo is low cns stress it might be the worst for your lungs? Take it easy - if you start slow you might be back faster after all.

Good luck!

Thanks man,

yep Intervals or tempo is out of the question for a couple weeks at least.


had a better workout tonight and I have already gained back 2 pounds :slight_smile:

8 minutes on bike warmup
4 sets deadlifts (275 for triples)
4 sets jumpsquats (185 pounds for 15 reps)
3 sets pushpress (115 for 7-8 reps)
3 sets running arms for 15 seconds with a 4th set with no weight for 15 seconds flat out
3 sets hanging leg raises
3 sets incline situps
3 sets hypers
8 minutes on bike
10 minutes static stretching

Lungs are still a little iffy (no running work for a week or two for sure) and I am still weak but it is definitely coming around :slight_smile:


its good ur back and feeling well, well my foot took 3weeks as well to recover, so all i focuss on now is tempo (100s only) ccts, and endurance lifting, u will notice a good comeback in so little time. look after urself and listen to ur body. take care man and goodluck

Thanks Komy,

Good luck with your recovery!!

Did a great workout on saturday in halifax with my brother in law.

The gym we visited didnt have a SINGLE barbell LOL! No squat rack, no bench press ALL machines.

Anyways we made the best out of a potentially bad situation…

weight circuit 1
4 x (legpress, lying ham curl, leg extension)
3 x (rev leg press, standing calf raise, hip machine)
4 x jump squats with 110 pounds (small “arm curl” barbell with weights attached)
Med ball circuit
4 x (hand offs side to side, chest passes)
4 x incline situp med ball throws

good workout, core is definitely feeling it as it the upper body from all the med ball throws.

Meet this sunday (60 meters) not expecting a great time after my sickness but it’ll be interesting to see how things go :slight_smile:

Good luck with that! ur background is enough to let u do wat is right. Go for it man. make sure to post. all the best

Thanks Komy :slight_smile:

Had a great workout last night

10 minutes on bike
3 x (A, Bs, Cs)
4 x 10 second partner assisted tows (very explosive)
3 sets deadlifts (225 for 5 reps)
3 sets jumpsquats (135 for 15 reps)
3 sets pushpress (115 for 8 reps)
3 sets hanging leg raises
3 sets incline situps
6 minutes on bike
static stretching

I have a race on saturday (60 meter) not sure what to expect but I feel pretty explosive compared to last year this time :slight_smile:

Did my last real workout till the race this coming saturday. work Xmas party is tomorrow night. I am going but not drinking.

4 sets deads (went up to 315 very explosively)
4 sets jumpsquats (up to 185 for 15) again felt great
3 sets pushpress (135 for 6 reps)
2 sets rev leg press
3 sets hanging leg raise
2 sets hypers
2 sets light ham curl
stretching and drills

Little tired but should be good and primed for saturday


8 laps jog (200 meter track)
3 x A, B, C for 30 meters
light plyos
5 x 50 meter strides
4 x 50 meter accels
1 x 60m
3 x flying 10s with 30meter run up
3 sets legpress
3 sets squat jumps

Was an ok workout but I could really feel my lungs. I probably shouldnt have ran but at least I have a baseline.

After a long time thinking about it I have decided to hang up the spikes for good. I just dont have the time to be able to train for track properly and the times I am running now are too depressing compared to when I raced competitively 7-8 years ago.

I am going to continue to lift weights, perform circuits and cycle but basically do workouts I can complete at the gym without having to travel to a track, run outside etc.

It’s been fun, I’ll check in and keep up with how you are all doing training wise.


Sorry to hear that, Chris. Hope you change your mind - the training logs won’t be quite the same again :). In any case, all the best.

I’m sorry to hear that too :frowning: but you know what makes the most sense for you. Ive enjoyed following your training- hope to see you posting around!