Training in the 60's

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Thanks Pavel, i’ve managed to upload it, let’s see what this mysterious table reveals :wink:

Weekly phase of preparation of American athletes under the coach B. Winter.


Mo -2 x 440 y, stretching
Tu - 4 x 220 y , lifting
We - 880 y easy with fast last 20 m
Th - 15 min. jog with acceleration after each 2 min. of run
Fr - 3 x 330 y with long strides
Sa - 2 x 880 y easy with 20 min. rest
Su - Rest


Mo - Rolling starts, 2 x 330 y, rolling starts, lifting
Tu - Rolling starts, starts, 2 x 220 y, lifting
We - Rolling starts, starts, 2 x 330 y, 2 x 352 y, short sprints, lifting
Th - Rolling starts, starts, relays
Fr - 15 min jog on the grass
Sa - 75 y trial, 180 y trial, 6 x 110 y relay
Su - Rest


Mo -Rolling starts, 5-10 starts, 330 y, 1 lap of short sprints
Tu -Rolling starts, 6 x 50 y starts, 5 x 220 y, 2 laps of long sprints
We -2 x 60 y trial, 2 x 330 y, 2 x 352 y
Th -Rolling starts, 6 starts to the tape, game, 3 x 110 y relay
Fr -easy on the grass
Sa -75 y trial, 180 y trial
Su -Rest


Mo -Rolling starts, 6-8 starts, 6-8 laps of long sprint, baton changeover
Tu -Rolling starts, starts to 40 y, 4 x 220 y, 3 x 220 y, 1 lap os short sprint
We -Rolling starts, 2 x 60 y like comp(rest 10 min.), 180 y like comp(rest 15 min.), 330 y, baton changeover
Th -Starts to the tape, game, 3 x 110 y relay
Fr -Rest
Sa -Competition
Su -Rest


Mo -Rolling starts, 4 x starts, 6 laps of sprints, 330 y, baton changeover
Tu Rolling starts, starts, 3 x 220 y with fast last 20 y, short sprints
We -Rolling starts, starts, 2 x 50 ywith not full effort, 2 x 180 y relays
Th -Rolling starts, 4-6 starts to the tape, baton changeover, bounding
Fr -Rest
Sa -Competition
Su -Rest


Mo -Rolling starts, starts(up to you), 6 laps of long sprint on the grass
Tu -Rolling starts, 5-10 starts, 2-3 x 220 y, baton changeover
We -Rolling starts, 2 x 50 y trial, 1 x 150 y trial, relays
Th -Rest
Fr -Rest
Sa -Competition
Su -Rest

I hope it’s helpful ! :slight_smile:

Great effort Pavel, thanks a bunch, we are looking now to our 400m experts to comment this…