Training duration

Of course if during the training my athlete can’t be focused or something is wrong because the duration is too long…i wouldn’t hesitate to shorten it !!

Well said (and never enough heard by coaches in my experience…)!

Fulkrum,as a coach how the hell are you going to fill the long rests and the 4+hours in a one to one relationship with an athlete without ending up irritating him sooner or later,for focused he might be?

I can’t image how a speed session can be concise if your volumes are not big,but medium.
For the philosophy of rest learned also here on it’s not possible to have medium volumes on track in much less than 1 hour(except SE2 or SE1 without splits with short rests).
Example 2x3x60m 5’R/10’R 40 minutes are gone only with rests. if you add blocks and short acceleration(20,30m),strength endurance, for a total 400-450m workout you need more than 1 hour.

Now, where i can save some time is in the long warm up.
But,here is cold,the athlete is african (so you can image him complaining about how could is here);he need to feel the warm or he would be psychologically inhibited;i am not so expert so i won’t risk an injury;also during speed drills we work on technique(and now his technique is really really improved).

Gym 1h : even if we have only 8 sets , long recovery (3-5 minutes) , he should warm up a little and i need sometime to load and unload the barbell.

Regard the other question:
during the long rests we speak,we are also great friends.We also talk,and joke with other athletes,so the time is sweetly.
The focus i ask him is only a little before,during,and immediatly after the repetition.So,if i have to tell him something,or he should give me some feedbacks we are ready to comunicate.No irritation.