training books

  1. Supertraining

  2. Science and Practice of strength training

Although both a must have! In fact, you would be retarded to just buy one and not the other!

ok but which ones would serve as a better lead in to the other. I hear Supertraining is easier to understand

haven’t got the Supertraining yet, but from previous posts i think it’s the other way round…


Yeah, Supertraining is much more broad than Science and Practice. I found Zatsiorsky’s book to be an easier read but both books are excellent.

Nope! Zatsiorsky book is easier to understand and is only a third has long as Supertraining!

What about Chris Acetate’s Nurtrition book from flex magazine? Would that not be the ultimate nutrition book? They say bodybuilders are the best dieters in the world!

Bodybuilders are probably the best-versed at using diet, and other means to get to a near-death degree of leanness for a few hours at a time. I’m not sure this is the nutritional advice most pertinent to athletes.

I never thought I’d see Flex magazine and Supertraining mentioned in the same thread!

Supertraining isn’t exactly the foremost book on nutrition!

Has anyone read books by fred wilt? I am looking at a bunch of his books and Jess Jarver books, seem to be really good info on track and field events and good info on weight training for particular events…do these books supply good info or are they outdated?

Jess Jarver has good info on wts. and track. In fact, there are many studies posted in is book, “Sprints and Relays”.

Thanks SVS, I noticed that the the books by jarver have good studies and the books by Wilt are basically info from Soviet reviews and track technique. It looks like good info but I was just curious if the technique and application of training in regards to these books are now considered outdated. THanks for the reply svs

There’s actually one study that states doing wts. before sprinting will lead to faster sprinters.
This is going to upset many people at this forum and you will likely set up a ticking time bomb if you mention it!


No kidding. I would say the Stipanuk book is the nutritional equivalent to Supertraining, or probably more accurately, to Strength and Power in Sport (Komi).

While we’re on the topic of books, is there any difference between the various editions of Speed Trap? When I look around at online used book sellers, there’s a Canadian edition and two American editions, all different ISBNs, all by different publishers.

Different publishers, same material?

Or does the book change at all with newer editions?

I assume they are all the same.

I thought OZ only sold Training for Speed/CFTS…I’m talking Speed Trap, which seems to have been published a few different times, too.


Where can i order supertraining, it seems that amazon has ran out of copies, including charlie francis’ training for speed book. Does anyone now where i can get them. THanks! used to have Training for Speed (that’s where I got mine years ago) but now I think they just have the ebook. used to have Training for Speed (that’s where I got mine years ago) but now I think they just have the ebook.

Well, Faccioni has sold all the hard copies but he still owes me the royalties. Of course, he’s been a dead-beat account for years and is lucky to live so far away. Also he never had any rights to sell that book outside of Aus and NZ and never had any rights to an E-book at all.

T-mag also posts a lot of crap re: nutrition