Track and Field Videos

I’ve finally found another host for my videos that gives no trouble at all… The last video site was too much restrictions, the host would mess with my folders for arbitrary reasons, causing errors etc. Anyways Here it is:

120 videos uploaded so far (1.67 Gigabytes). Note the purpose of the site is to host track and field videos that are not permanently on other video sites. I still have a few videos to upload, such as my video mixes but hey, there is only so much uploading a man can do in a day…


Just checked it out --good stuff that’s hard to find elsewhere. Thanks for hooking us up.

No problem man.

By the way, I have added the full results of all of the races that are on the site. To view them, just click “more details about this file” when you are in the download window.

Here is a screenshot of a download window before and after clicking “more details about this file”:



**** Filefront :mad: they took away my account just like that, anyways, I always find other hosts, here it is, video site:

I am organizing the videos now, they should be all be up by tonight

any chance of recent men’s 400 m in Athens and Lausanne?

down again? :frowning:

No worries man, I got a new one :wink: Ok, here is the final site:
I am in the process of uploading the other videos, so only 4 Categories up so far. All should be up by tommorow morning the latest.

Hey Nikoluski, no luck with the 400m from Athens and Lausanne as yet :(, I will work on it.

As I was saying in my last post, the “FileFront” video site went down permanently, the hosts of my site felt that the files were using up too much resources on their server (so many downloads) so they cancelled my account.

I checked out a new host and we exchanged some emails and they assured me that they would never cancel my account once I stay within the terms of use, they won’t do me like what the first hosts did. So here is my new videosite:

Here are some little details of the site for anyone interested:

Categories of the site:

Caribbean Meets

Commonwealth Games


Golden Leauge

Grand Prix



My Video Productions



Track Classics


World Champs

I created an account for each category, so the site really is a central point that links to each account as you click it.
