Total distances per session

Have lost CFTS at the moment, can someone remind me of the total recommended distances per session for:
speed end
special end I
special end II


· Start/acceleration 0-30m
· Speed or maximum velocity 30-60m
· Speed endurance 60-120m or 90-150m
· Special endurance I 150-300m
· Special endurance II 300-500m

For the total volume in a training session the usual total number of (m) is around 400m for pure speed and can be up to 700m with speed endurance and special endurance.

Distance Effort Repetitions total
30m max 6-8 180-240m
50m max 5-6 250-300m
60m max 4-6 240-360m
80m near-max 3-4 180-320m