To All the Long/Triple Jumpers

i mean while training, if he dropped the weights between the repetitions or if he guided them to the floor

For what exercises because it would depend on what you are doing. For example, if you are power cleaning, you might just drop the bar to the ground after finishing your set. But, for other exercises like the squat, all the benches, and various others i don’t see how he could drop the weights.

In the clean, between every repetition. I believe that there is a huge difference if you just let the bar fall to the floor before cleaning it again instead of slowly bringing it back down.
I ask this beacause olympic lifters drop the bar in every repetition. I believe that the fact of lowering the bar can bring different excentric/concentric development (I mean it´s some kind of backwards clean).

Oh ok, I know what you mean now. I do see many people in the weight room doing cleans and slamming the bar down for extra momentum. I do think it should be stressed that you shouldn’t sacrifice form for weight, which many people do. But that extra momentum does help in order to squeeze out those last reps.:slight_smile:

Why would you want to “squeeze out those last reps” in Olympic lifts?

what do you mean with that? saving the energy of lowering the bar slowly?

What I mean is this:

I have some problems while lowering the bar slowly, when I don´t “brake” the bar fast enough I get some bruises on my quads and a “pinching” sensation on my spine.

I meant one continuous motion, not resetting between every rep. Ok my bad I misinterpreted what you meant.

hey, im totally new here…long jumper …7.62m pb.