Tights on Ice

November 19th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

Since last session I’ve been sleeping regularly, eating a healthier diet, and have adjusted to the emotional stressors in my life. As such, I feel like a million bucks.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

Lots of plyos (altitude landings mostly)

Back Squats (close stance, start a new set every 3 minutes, full ROM)
5 sets x (5, 5, 5, 5, 8) reps @ 315 lbs (28 total reps), ~140-150 sec. rest

Plank Progression
7 sets @ BW

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

Fantastic! I guess sleep is good for me after all. :cool:

Not only did I hit a total volume PR with 315 lbs by 4 reps, but I also averaged 5.6 reps per set (old PR was 3.8 per set) and could have tied my single set rep PR if I had been willing to sacrifice form on the last work set of the day. Today was great.

I thought I was doing well when I was running myself ragged, but now that I’m taking care of my mind and body things are so much better. Let’s see if I can keep this up.