Tights on Ice

What’s the point of doing 315x15?

I don’t really like heavy weights on my back. Higher reps allow me to get away with using a lower load while still building strength. I know the science behind rep ranges and physiological adaptations, but higher reps have been working well for me so far. Since I combine them with plyos, I don’t appear to be missing out on anything.

Either way, 315 is the most I want on my shoulders for now. Maybe once I reach 315 x 15 I’ll be more comfortable and will move my work weight up to 355.

How do the reverse depth drops feel on your achilles? It seems like there would be a little more strain than conventional depth jumps.

I feel no extra strain in my Achilles when I do them. All I feel is more stress through the glutes and hamstrings. Then again, my drops have been limited to 36". Maybe if I were to push the intensity a bit higher I’d notice something.

Are you still doing the drops barefoot?

Yeah. In socks, actually. Still, barefoot and on to concrete.

November 4th, 2009
Upper Body Focus

Glutes and lower back are a little tired. I was able to get some sleep last night though. Life is a bit complicated right now, but I’m doing well.

Warm Up:
Some push ups and chin ups

Chin Ups
1 x 7 @ 90 lbs (1 rep PR), ? sec. rest
Two more sets to failure with 45 lbs

Military Press (to clavicles)
1 x 5 @ 155 lbs, 180 sec. rest
3 x 5 @ 135 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Cool Down:
Shoulder prehab

Not bad today. I managed to hit a 1 rep PR on chins with 90 lbs. I’m pretty happy with it. The 155 x 5 on military press was pretty good too, and it wasn’t maximal. Everything went well.

November 7th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

I’m sick as a dog. Today was also the third day in a row I’ve napped involuntarily. I’m worn out. Still, my motivation is there.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

Lots of plyos (altitude landings and CMJs)

Back Squats (close stance, start a new set every 3 minutes, full ROM)
6 sets x (2, 4, 6, 4, 4, 3) reps @ 315 lbs (23 total reps), <180 sec. rest

Plank Progression
7 sets @ BW

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

Despite my condition, and throwing up mid-workout, I managed more reps with 315 than before. It wasn’t easy though.

So far I’m liking my progression. Every time I squat I limit the rest time, do one more total rep than the previous session, and increase the average number of reps per set. As mentioned before, I’d like to see 4 x 10 while starting a set every 3 minutes. That would be an ass kicker.

Anyways, I’m going to try to rest up, but my body seems to be handling things just fine. I’m still PRing.

November 11th, 2009
Upper Body Focus

I’ve been sick and sleep deprived recently. I’m trying to get back to health.

Warm Up:
Some push ups and chin ups

Chin Up and Pull Up Variations
2 x Failure @ BW, ? sec. rest

Military Press (to clavicles)
1 x 3 @ 165 lbs, 180 sec. rest
1 x 9 @ 135 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Cool Down:
Shoulder prehab

I’m just trying to maintain right now. I wasn’t seeking PRs. Still, I managed some pretty impressive stuff (for me) on this chins this workout. I think 135 x 9 is a PR on the military press as well. Also, I’ve moved my grip on military presses in closer.

Maybe lower body tomorrow. We’ll see.

November 14th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

Still kind of sick, I’ve been managing to get some sleep though. I didn’t really feel like training today, but I needed to get back into it.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

Lots of plyos (altitude landings and CMJs)

Back Squats (close stance, start a new set every 3 minutes, full ROM)
8 sets x (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2) reps @ 315 lbs (24 total reps), <180 sec. rest

Plank Progression
7 sets @ BW

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with hypertension, which at 21 isn’t exactly a good thing. For anyone who knows me, this isn’t exactly a surprise. I’m extremely high strung. I’m going to blame this largely on my diet though. As I see it, the diagnosis is actually a good thing. Now I’ve finally got a legitimate excuse to clean up my diet.

Besides that, the session went well today. Four training sessions ago I did a ladder session like today and topped out at a very hard 5 reps. I managed 6 today, and that’s after being sick and out of commission for a solid week. Things are looking up.

Ugh, no more double bacon cheeseburgers dipped in country gravy… :frowning:

November 19th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

Since last session I’ve been sleeping regularly, eating a healthier diet, and have adjusted to the emotional stressors in my life. As such, I feel like a million bucks.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

Lots of plyos (altitude landings mostly)

Back Squats (close stance, start a new set every 3 minutes, full ROM)
5 sets x (5, 5, 5, 5, 8) reps @ 315 lbs (28 total reps), ~140-150 sec. rest

Plank Progression
7 sets @ BW

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

Fantastic! I guess sleep is good for me after all. :cool:

Not only did I hit a total volume PR with 315 lbs by 4 reps, but I also averaged 5.6 reps per set (old PR was 3.8 per set) and could have tied my single set rep PR if I had been willing to sacrifice form on the last work set of the day. Today was great.

I thought I was doing well when I was running myself ragged, but now that I’m taking care of my mind and body things are so much better. Let’s see if I can keep this up.

lets hope it was a 1 off set back and a learning experience.

That isn’t meant to be anywhere near as patronising as it may appear, it was a genuine statement.

Haha, it’s not patronizing at all. I appreciate the concern.

Having said that, it most certainly was a learning experience, but I’m not sure that a repeat is entirely avoidable. Sometimes life demands a lot of us and trivial things like sports training have to take a back seat. I will keep in mind how much better feeling rested is though.

Also, I like your “homunculus man” avatar.

I know exactly what you mean, it is a fine line and as much as I can give that advice I also realise it needs to be applied to me too. :rolleyes:

November 22nd, 2009
Upper Body Focus

I feel great. Nothing else to note.

Warm Up:
Some push ups and chin ups

Chin Up and Pull Up Variations
1 x 7 @ 90 lbs + 213 lbs BW (303 lbs total), 180 sec. rest
2 x Failure @ 45 lbs + BW, 180 sec. rest
1 x Failure @ BW

Military Press (to clavicles, start a new set every 2 minutes)
5 x (6, 6, 5, 3, 5) @ 135 lbs, ~95-100 sec. rest

Cool Down:
Shoulder prehab

First upper body session in 11 days. I felt surprisingly strong. Everything went smoothly and I can see big strength increases coming soon.

November 24th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

My back is fatigued from my neck all the way down to my glutes. Otherwise though, I feel fantastic. I just can’t get over how great I feel now that I’m actually sleeping.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

Lots of plyos (altitude landings mostly)

Back Squats (close stance, start a new set every 3 minutes, full ROM)
4 sets x 6 reps @ 315 lbs (24 total reps), ~140-150 sec. rest

Plank Progression
7 sets @ BW

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

Woohoo…again! Not a volume PR, but I did more reps per set with 315 than ever before. I wanted 5 x 6, but with my back as tired as it was, it wasn’t going to happen.

Oh, and the limited rests are finally starting to make a difference now that the reps are getting higher. After the fourth set my heart rate was 170 beats per minute. The squats are really kicking my ass, but I’m getting strong pretty quickly.

November 28th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

It’s been four days since my last leg day and I’ve gone hiking on almost every one of them so far. I’ve also been hunched over a computer typing for 7-8 hours today, so my back is a little tight. I’m feeling great though.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

A dozen or so altitude landings

Back Squats (close stance, full ROM)
1 set x 13 reps @ 315 lbs (+4 rep PR)

Ab Rollouts, Levers, Etc.
Whatever, my abs are sore now

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

Awesome! Even though I was a little tired after slogging through the snow and writing all day, I still managed a 4 rep PR on squats. I could’ve had 14 too, but my glutes were already on fire and I didn’t want to push it. I tried to do a backoff set with 225, but I couldn’t do it. I had no enthusiasm left.

All in all, I’m really happy with how things are going. I’ve never thought about training less and I’ve never made better progress. Seems counterintuitive, but oh well. If it works, it works.

Almost at my goal of 315 x 15. When I can manage that, my projected squat will be about 2.25x bodyweight.

Here’s a link to today’s set:

November 29th, 2009
Upper Body Focus

My legs and back are a little fatigued from yesterday, but a nice long hike helped to loosen them up. I feel fine otherwise.

Warm Up:
Push Ups and Chin Ups

Some shoulder stretches

Handstand Push Ups
4 sets x 5 reps @ BW, rest varied

Chin Ups
Lots of sets x lots of reps @ various weights, rest varied

Clapping Push Ups
2 x (20, 15) @ BW, ? sec. rest

Cool Down:
Should stretching

I had a good workout today. It may not look like I did much, but I worked hard every set and got plenty of volume in. As long as I keep lifting, my upper body will take care of itself.

December 2nd, 2009
Lower Body Focus

Finals are afoot and I’m a little worn out. My legs and mid back are also still fatigued. I was sleepy, but I caught a nap after dinner. I feel good, just like always.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)

Some light plyos

Power Cleans
Worked up to 300 lbs x 1 (PR by default), rest varied

Back Squats (close stance, full ROM)
1 set x 14 reps @ 315 lbs (+1 rep PR)

Ab Rollouts, Levers, Etc.

Cool Down:
Some more activation drills

Mild plyos

At the risk of sounding repetitive, Woohoo!!!

Even though I was tired today, I got a wild hair and tried power cleans for pretty much the first time in my life (other than an odd single here or there to get a bar into a rack). As you can see. 300 lbs baby! And I did it on a crappy bent bar too. With a bar that I can actually whip my elbows though with, I could do much more.

Oh, and to my buddy fogelson: Haha, wrong! :smiley:
You thought 285 would give me a hard time, but without even practicing the lift I just got 300 lbs. Seriously though, no hard feelings, but I did beat 285 lbs on my first attempt. 300!

After that, I was feeling pretty confident so I went for a rep PR on squats. I only made it to 14 reps, but that’s one more than I did 4 days ago, so I can’t complain. Things are going so well right now. Winter break is soon, and then I should really be able to kick things into gear.

Here’s a link to both PRs:

Good work, :cool: gotta ask though whats up with the no shirt vids? :confused: