Tights on Ice

I wish I weren’t training on ice, but I’ve got no real alternative right now. The only indoor track is too far away and far too expensive to use. I’ll probably be able to work something out when I go back to school next week though. No need to buy bob spikes just yet.

And thanks. I like your journal (and the old ones here and at ET) too. You’ve put up some amazingly fast times.

Do you have access to any basketball courts or long hallways (I think I recall you saying that you did have some hallways at school)?

Basketball court availability will depend on the team schedules, but I will have hallways to run in along with the hard rubber track around the ice rink. Next week I’ll probably start taking advantage of them.

I don’t know if I read over it or not, but what is your weight at right now? What are you trying to get to if you’re trying to put weight on?

I’m not really focused on gaining weight, but I am letting my body do its own thing, and that appears to be the direction it’s going. I was 213.4 lbs straight out of bed this morning. While I have no real goal, I think I should top out at around 220 lbs or so.

My lower back is screwed up, mostly around the SI area. I think I did it with the 1 & 1/2 squats. When I shifted into an RDL/GM position on the half reps I may have overloaded the area and I’m paying for it now. It may have also been from the sprints, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Other than my back, I’m sore in some places I haven’t felt for a while. Sprinting was rough, especially since I gained so much weight and didn’t even try to ease my way into it. It’s always like that after a layoff though, and my back never suffers, so I’m going to place the blame on the squats. I’ll have to watch out next time around.

January 8th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

My back is still tight. I shouldn’t train today, but I’m too stubborn to do otherwise.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills

RFI Drills

Jumps (mostly broad jumps onto boxes)
About 20-25 total reps

Repetitive DB Jump Squats
4 x 8 @ 25+25 lbs, 120 sec. rest

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats
2 x 5 @ 280 lbs, ~240 sec. rest

Ab Work

Cool Down:
Mild plyos

My back loosened up during warmups, but I could still feel it during the workout. Still, the loading didn’t seem to do anything to it and it feels no different than before I worked out. I don’t think I did any additional damage. Even the 1 & 1/2 squats were solid.

I did leave out sprints, SL RDLs, and altitude landings, just to be safe. The rotational and shock loading from those movements were too risky. I’ll see how I’m feeling later, but right now I’m glad I trained.

January 11th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

My lower back is fully recovered, but I spent every night this weekend out. No drinking, but it did affect my sleep. School also started back up today. I’m actually happy about it.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills

Single-Leg RFI
8 sets

Broad Jumps onto Boxes
About 10 total

Repetitive DB Jump Squats
4 x 8 @ 25+25 lbs, 120 sec. rest

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats
2 x 5 @ 285 lbs, ~240 sec. rest

Single-Leg RDLs
2 x 10 (per leg) @ 105 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Ab Work

Cool Down:
Mild plyos

Everything felt great today. I was a little tight from sitting in class all day, but I loosened up real quick once I got moving. Everything was smooth and I feel good. I’m keeping the volume low until my body gets used to a school schedule again, and then I’m going to ramp things back up. As it is, I’m not sore or tired in the least. I’d like to keep it that way for a while.

Oh, and once again, I cannot believe how hard 1 1/2 squats are. I can do regular sets of 5 reps with 365, but when you slow down the tempo and spend more time near the bottom of the ROM it gets a lot harder. 2 x 5 @ 285 wasn’t maximal, but it was a good workout.

Here’s a clip.

January 15th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

I got a little bit of extra sleep last night and I just feel great. My weight has also been down at around 210 lbs for the past week or so.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills

Single-Leg RFI (focusing on the feet)
4 sets

Broad Jumps onto Boxes
About 25 total
Worked up to a 40" box from 72" away

Single-Leg Depth Jumps from 20"
10 reps per leg
Worked up to leaping over a 44" hurdle

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats
2 x 5 @ 290 lbs, 240 sec. rest

Single-Leg RDLs
1 x 8 (per leg) @ 110 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Ab Work

Cool Down:
Mild plyos

Another great training session. Since I was feeling so good, I decided to mess around and do some explosive work. Box jumps were higher and farther than I’ve ever done them from before, so I’m happy with them. And single leg depth jumps were a new stimulus, but I handled them just fine, even from 20". I’m really liking my new strength levels. It feels good.

Looking forward to a solid weekend of rest and relaxation before heading back to school on Tuesday (Monday is MLK day).

Top set of single-leg depth jumps from today’s session:

Those jumps look tough. Nice job as usual!

Thanks John. I’ve had a 38" vertical leap off of one foot in the past (@ around 195 lbs), and I’d like to pass that up this summer, just for fun. I’m not much of a basketball player, but dunking in pickup games is always fun.

January 18th, 2009
Lower Body Focus

I feel absolutely great. I couldn’t wait to train.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills

Single-Leg RFI (focusing on the feet)
8 sets

Broad Jumps onto Boxes
About 25 total
Worked up to a 40" box from 72" away

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats
2 x 5 @ 295 lbs, 240 sec. rest

Single-Leg RDLs
2 x 8 (per leg) @ 115 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Ab Work

Cool Down:
Mild plyos

Everything went great today. I did notice that my left foot is a little weaker than my right, but that’s been a problem for a while and I’m working to bring it around.

The jumps were high, fast, and easy; the squats were challenging but doable; and the RDLs might have been a little heavy. Besides some minor tweaking though, I like the format I’ve taken to training in.

January 23rd, 2010
Lower Body Focus

Feeling good. I’m working out with a couple friends today at the school gym. Can’t work too hard though, we have a party to go to.

Warm Up:
Light Squats

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats
2 x 5 @ 305 lbs, 240 sec. rest

Machine Hamstring Curls
2 x 10 @ full weight stack, 120 sec. rest

DB Military Presses
3 x 10 @ 120 lbs, ? sec. rest

Chin Ups, Muscle Ups, One-Arm Eccentrics

Cool Down:

No plyos today because I didn’t want to wear myself out and I didn’t really have my usual setup, but lifting went well. Squatting in a real rack with a straight bar is awesome, as is doing chins on a bar that doesn’t swing. I could get used to actually having nice facilities.

Overall, I felt strong. I went up 10 lbs on my squats from last session because I didn’t want to hunt for 2.5. They were hard, but doable. Machine hamstring curls let me know my hamstrings are indeed plenty strong (repping the entire stack was no problem at all). And the upper body work was fun.

January 27th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m feeling damn good today. No reason why, I just feel good.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills

Single-Leg RFI (focusing on the feet)
6 sets

Broad Jumps onto Boxes
About 25 total
Worked up to a 40" box from 72" away

ADA Drops
10 @ 36"

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats
2 x 5 @ 315 lbs, 240 sec. rest

Single-Leg RDLs
1 x 10 (per leg) @ 95 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Ab Work

Cool Down:
Mild plyos

Well, I wasn’t supposed to be using 315 for my squats for another week, but I’ve taken 10 lb jumps the last two sessions. Last session I did it because I didn’t want to hunt for 2.5s. This session I did it because I couldn’t stand the thought of loading the bar to 310 lbs. No matter, I got both sets without too much trouble. I could tell I’d advanced too fast though. I would be much more comfortable with the weight had I worked up to it at the pace I’d intended.

Beyond that, my jumps, drops, and RFI work all felt nice and fast. I feel energized right now, rather than tired. I do have to say my glutes are going to be sore tomorrow. The squats really did a number on them.

Here’s a clip of my first set of 1 1/2 squats:

We put up a basketball hoop in my Dad’s warehouse. I just finished shooting around and I felt like testing my vertical leap at the end. My legs are still a little sore from yesterday, but I managed to hit 33" from a standstill. I weighed 218 in clothes and shoes when I did it. The last time I jumped this high I was quad-dominant as hell and weighed ~195 lbs.

On the other hand, though my strength is up, my reactivity is way down. My running leaps are only like 2" higher than my standing vert, whereas they used to be like 5" higher. I also did a few reps of depth jumps and they were like 1.5" lower than my CMJ. Just more evidence that I need to reintroduce depth jumps some time soon.

January 30th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

Not quite at 100%, but I’m close. Those jumps two days ago (right after a lower body session) wore me out more than I’d intended.

Warm Up:
Some RW Drills

Some activation drills

Single-Leg RFI (focusing on the feet)
6 sets

VJ to SS ADA Drops
4 sets x 4 reps (2 per leg), 180 sec. rest

Back Squats (to rock bottom)
1 set x 5 reps @ 365 lbs (easy), 180 sec. rest

1 & 1/2 Rep Back Squats (to rock bottom)
1 set x 5 reps @ 295 lbs, ? sec. rest

2 sets x 15 reps @ 185 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Ab Work

Cool Down:
Mild plyos

Well, like I said, the jumps wore me out. My left foot wasn’t feeling too good and so I had to cut the plyo volume a little short. Still, I like the VJ to SS ADAs. My form is much better than the last time I did these. I’m really focusing on proper pelvic position upon landing.

After that, the weights were surprising. 365 lbs felt nice and easy on my legs, but my back wasn’t quite so lucky. I haven’t had more than 315 on my back in a while (due to 1 1/2 squats) and so while my legs were more than strong enough to rep the weight, my spinal erectors (mostly around the thoracic area) were toasted after a single set. That one set also told me that my glutes are significantly stronger than my quads. Neither “problem” really concerns me though.

Post squats, I just did a little more work while letting my back take it easy. Next session I’m going back to 1 1/2 squats while dropping the weight down and working my way back up. I hope to peak at about 335 for sets of 5 within a month, and then start over.

February 1st, 2010
Total Body Focus

I feel good. My back was a little tired yesterday, but it’s fine today.

Warm Up:
Screwing around on the machines

Hang Power Snatches (close-ish grip, high hang, really snappy)
3 x 5 @ 135 lbs, rest varied

Box Jumps
15-20 total reps, rest varied

Leg Curls
1 x 15 w/the whole weight stack (easy)

Lots of random bodybuilding crap

Cool Down:

My friends wanted to hit the gym after school today. I wasn’t supposed to train again until Wednesday, but I wanted to have some fun. Nothing too strenuous, overall.

My upper body is weaker than I’d like it to be. As always though, I know I’m only 4-6 weeks away from throwing up some huge numbers. We’ll see if I can stick with it this time. I just don’t like all the extra weight upper body lifting slaps on me.

February 3rd, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m feeling great. My shoulders are a bit sore, but otherwise I’m fine.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements and light snatches

Hang Power Snatches (close-ish grip)
6 x 3 @ (135, 145, 155, 155, 155, 155) lbs, 120 sec. rest

Depth Jumps
2 x 5 @ 18", 180 sec. rest
2 x 5 @ 24", 180 sec. rest

Back Squats (deep and fast)
3 x 3 @ (315, 365, 365) lbs, 180 sec. rest

Some rows and DB OHP


Cool Down:

Working out in my school gym continues to be awesome. I just can’t get over having real equipment and straight bars.

All in all, snatches were fast and easy. Depth jumps were smooth and ridiculously springy. And the squats were a piece of cake. I think I’m going to start upping my frequency from here on out. Should be fun.

February 5th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

My traps are sore and my hands are ground meat. I feel great though.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements and light snatches

Hang Power Snatches (close-ish grip)
Worked up to 155 lbs x 3 before hands made me quit, 120 sec. rest

Back Squats (deep and fast)
4 x 3 @ (315, 375, 375, 315) lbs, 180 sec. rest

Depth Jumps
3 x 5 @ 18", 180 sec. rest

Hamstring Curls
1 x 15 w/ the whole stack

Upper Body Bodybuilding Junk


Cool Down:

At the school gym again. Snatches were going up nice and fast, but my hands are torn up. I neglected to ease myself in last session and I’m paying for it. I probably shouldn’t do any Olys until they heal up.

After that, squats were a piece of cake and depth jumps were nice and easy. I’m going to wait until Monday to train again. I’m looking forward to it already.