Tell that to Ed Coan and a ton of others who have used plenty of sets of 8-12 to build maximal strength. Plenty of them have used 20 rep squats and the like as well. The problem with comparing the 60 is that it has a huge portion that is non-upright running and purely maximal acceleration without really factoring in top speed, while you’re doing the same lift regardless of whether or not it is 1 rep or 100 reps (not changing the musculature involved like in early acceleration). If you took a flying 10 and a flying 150m, I bet you could pretty accurately predict the best flying 10 from the 150m time within +/-.02 at absolute worst, more like +/-.01. This is just like you could pretty accurately get a 1rm from a 15rm and a 15rm from a 1rm. There will be some give and take, but the general underlying qualities are really similar and specific (ie skill) training would account for the rest.