Throwing up after running...

That was during the winter/spring when we used the sleds, etc. In the summer all the school provides is running on the slow track. Pretty much a sample workout will be like 10x100m with walkback recovery, 4x per week, with lifting. I feel so much better in shape with Odell’s workouts. Tamfb, I’ll continue this conversation with you using pm’s. I feel like this thread is going too off-topic.

Your choice, i perfer to discuss here so others can learn also.

Split runs can definitely develop enough acid to get you there!

Ya, it sucks because after that lactice acid hits you, your form goes from sprinting to jogging. Which I don’t understand why the coaches would rather do that 4th quarter type training in the early off-season.

robin1 described in a much better way what I was attempting to say. The vomiting is a bi product of the body producing Bicarb to mop up the lactic.

No, this is NOT correct (either version) and that is what Nikoluski was alluding to. Lactate is actually a biproduct of the partial breakdown of glucose to pyruvate in the cytoplasm. The reaction is bidirectional (reversible) and certain muscle fibers (heart in particular) can consume lactate as fuel. It isn’t poison, and your body will clear lactate from your system in 60 minutes or less.

It is actually the high acidosis (H+ ions) caused by the same reaction that produces the lactate that casses the damage in the absense of enough recovery. If your body obtains sufficient oxygen (by enough rest relative to the workload), the pyruvate and H+ will go through the mitochondria and the H+ will be converted to water without acidosis. So even if you sprint hard, if you have enought recovery time (i.e., Charlie’s way), you will NOT throw up, and if you do a lot of shorter work with short rest, you will also not likely throw up unless you driink milk because the body is able to get enough oxygen during rest to send those H+ ions through the mitochondria.

BUT, if you run some hard LONG sprints 350-400 with short rest, you might not get enough oxygen, and the acidosis continues to rise, causing more and more damage to muscle fibers and a greater shock to your CNS. In such a case, what is the effect not just on this workout, but the next one and the one after that? How much quality speed training might you lose because of perhaps a longer recovery period?

I have to think that the act of vomiting is actually the sign of a training error, not toughness, and when you do this the cost of the conditions that led to the vomiting likely outweigh the benefits from the workout.

[QUOTE=lkh]No, this is NOT correct (either version) and that is what Nikoluski was alluding to. QUOTE]

Please note that I did not say that the bicarb buffering system or vomiting is related to lactic acid. It is related to acidosis, however, which is caused by other mechanisms. You can, by the way, vomit after longer sprints even with long recovery. I once vomited after a session of 150m, 250m with 20min rest in between. Nevertheless, this was my season’s first session of this type and I have never vomited again after this type of session.


Great reply. But so far, I don’t believe anyone has explained why we vomit after a certain following a certain training protocol. What does the acidosis in the muscle have to do with the stomach? Why doesn’t it cause the body to defecate or urinate or any number of things that would prevent any further destructive behavior?


Literature on the subjest is very hazy… (maybe an isea for my dissertation next year:rolleyes: )
The most simple school of thought is that your body turns so acidic that it removes the easiest source of acid- stomach acid… so your body takes the easy route and doesn’t let the muscles take the full brunt of balancing their ph - in that case thowing-up is detrimental. I also think the more you throw up the easier it becomes and you start hurling after easier sessions.

And think of your teeth for gods sake… do you really wanna have to take a tooth brush to training???

Interesting way of thinking about it!

I know this is an old thread, but the reason, generally, one pukes (or pees/craps themself) from running or other stressful situations is by ridding the body of useless weight (food isn’t useful if you’re in fight or flight mode) the body is better preparing itself for survival. Less excess weight = faster person.

Just fyi for anyone interested.

Makes perfect sense. I wanted to throw up after every workout last summer. I was trying to gain 15lbs while doing 2000yds of conditioning per day :eek: .