The Storm 06 XC

Week-15 Thursday
Workout: 2 mile warmup, 3x800@4kRP, 3x200, 3x100, 3 mile cooldown. 70 pushups, 140 situps/crunches


Today my gut hurt pretty good during the 3rd 800, but I pushed it anyway, and worked through the pain. The 200’s were pretty good, I managed to stay in my XC gear, and keep it relaxed. I ran the 100’s a bit harder, but during the last one I got my oh-so-familiar calf-cramps. It felt good to get those cramps, even though my gut was throbbing.

Workout Meterage
Weekly Meterage

Week-15 Friday
Workout: 7 miles easy, 5x70m striders

Today was a good easy run. Not much messing around. My calves were a bit tight at the begining of my workout, but they loosened up eventually.

My goal for tommorrow is to hurt. Hurt very bad. Hurt until it hurts a lot, and then hurt more.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-15 Saturday: Madera Invitational
Workout: 8 miles (2 mile W/U, 5k race, 3mile C/D)
Result: 18:04 (17th… got a shiny medal! Team 4th)
Today was a slow 5k race. My time is “about” a 17:04 at Earlybird, so nothing to complain about. I was aggressive for most of the race, (barring the 2.0-2.5 section) and my cramps didn’t hit until 3/4 of the way through the race.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-15 Sunday:
Workout: 30 minute jog.

NIce and easy today. I have a dual meet tommorrow so I can’t work too hard.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-16 Monday Alisal, Alverez, Monterey, NMC, Dual Meet.
Workout: 2 W/U, 3 race, 4.5 C/D
Result: 17:14 6th, team 1st (vs all 3 teams)
I ran the first mile VERY slow, 5:46-5:49 but I pushed the middle mile and still managed to run a decent time, even though I didn’t work the last mile, and my kick was horrific (Course confusion, not lack of motivation)

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Weelky Meterage

Week-16 Tuesday
Workout: 12 miles easy, with hard 1600m finish.

Fun run. We went to Nisine Marks and ran there. Very fun, with lots of pretty trees… and girls.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-16 Wedsnday
Workout:2mile w/u, 3x1200, 3x800, 1x300, 2 mile cooldown

The 1200’s weren’t too tough. I ran well on those, but on the 800’s my soreness from the 12miler really caught up to me… OUCH! my legs were shot, it felt like someone had wrung out my leg muscles! The 300 wasn’t too hard, and I ran very fast on it.
3:59, 3:56, 3:59, 2:37, 2:38, 2:38, 45

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Weekly Meteraeg

Week-16 Thursday
Workout: 7 miles steady state

Just an easy/med run. No pushing, but not jogging, either.

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Weekly Meterage

Week-16 Friday
Workout: 7 mile jog, stretches

We watched a college XC race, it was pretty exciting. One of our alumni ran a great race 20:32 for 4 miles, which is a blazing time for him. THe jog was easy too, and we stretched in the sun (b/c it was windy). Our team has some VERY snazzy new sweats. I like them a lot… I’ll post a pic asap.

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Week-16 Saturday: Clovis INvitational
Result: 16:57, team 4th.

I went out well today, 5:09, and I eased up a little bit from 1.75-2.25 marks, but not as much as in my past races, and I definately finished a LOT better. My 2mile split was 10:49, and so my last mile was about 5:30-5:35. Very VERY pleased with this race. With 600m to go I was 5th man, I saw Mike Machado and though “I can outkick him he has no kick” so I passed him. I saw Antonio and thought " I can outkick him too, he just a soph." I then saw Manuel, and though! "Jee-wizz if i pass him I’ll be second man! " So I turned on the speed that made me 2time CCS800m finalist, and blew by him. Yahy!

Workout Meterage
Weekly meterage

P.S. Last night I had about 13oz of Pedyalite. It apperently helped with my cramps.

Yeah, a lot of the football players on our team drink that stuff too, it works really well. Good job on your race too, it takes a lot of guts to come from behind and wait to pass until the end of the race.

Week-16 Sunday
Workout: I didn’t run but I got a pretty good upper and core body workout… :wink:

Workout MEterage
Weekly Meterage

Week-17 Monday
Workout: 12 miles easy

Today was VERY easy. We just talked the whole time, and did 12 miles in 1:20… slowest we’ve ever done it in. We booked it up the hill, though, so it wasn’t too easy.

Workout Meterage
Weekly Meterage

Week-17 Tuesday
Workout: 2 mile warmup, 5x1600m/9min cycles, 2 mile cooldown

Today was TOUGH. OUCH!!! The workout itself was a doosie, but from the 3rd rep on I had a pretty gnarly stumoch cramp. I was able to work through it on the last 2. “Let’s see how hard I have to run before I cramp.” I scared the cramp away when I took that attitude, but my stumoch was still a bit tight.

5:50, 5:39, 5:55, 5:35, 5:29

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Weekly Meterage

Week-17 Wedsnday
Workout: 6 miles easy
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Weekly Meterage

Week-18 Monday Dual meet
Workout: Ouch I sucked today, I wanted to PR. on Natividad’s fast course, but I got a mean stomach cramp. 17:38

Hot bath cold shower… very nice.

4x20 situps

Workout Meterage
Weekly meterage

Week-18 Tuesday
Workout: 8 easy

My calves were very tight from running in flats at Natividad. Ouch! The pavement is not easy on the non-arch-supportive flats.

I took a hot bath, and cold shower, though.

6x20 situps at 10Pm
Workout Meterage
Weekly Meterage

Week-18 Wednesday
Workout: 2 mile warmup, dynamic warmup, 3x1000@Threshold, 2x1000@fast pace, 3 mile cooldown.

3:28 (2:46),3:28 (2:48), 3:27(2:45), 3:13, 3:08

I’m very happy with this workout. The first three reps were very relaxed, and a great excercise in pacing. The first rep we went ou pretty well, and even splitted just about the whole thing. The second one we jogged the first 200m (43-44 seconds, and had to really pick it up the next 800 to cruise good time. The third rep we got a little excited, but when everyone was picking it up the last 200m, I just chilled a bit. I liked the first half. Then the next 2 reps were good also. The first rep was pretty tough, but I didn’t have to dig in to hit it on pace. At this time my gut was rearing it’s ugly head, or at least it was trying to. The ab work I did the night before made my whole core a slight bit tight which helped A LOT! I didn’t get a cramp, though I did have to stretch my core during the workout. I wish I had this kind of workout every week. During the last rep, I had to push it a bit, but I was amazed when my body responded to my demands. It was nice.

3x33 situps

Workout Meterage
Weekly Meterage

Week-18 Thursday
Workout: 7 mile easy

We didn’t mess around too much today, which is nice. We got the easy workout over and done with in a timely manner, and I went to Santa Cruz and saw my girl :slight_smile: Mt. Sac at 7:00 tommorrow. I hope that my body responds like it did in the workout. If it does… I predict 16:30’s. That would be nice.

Workout Meterage
Weekly Meterage

Good luck today at Mt. Sac, seems like good racing weather down here, as there’s a fog layer and it’s been relatively cool lately. Of course the race might be over by now, but it’s the thought that counts I suppose.