The Science of Hurdling

I am trying to track down the book The Science of Hurdling by Brent McFarlane I have a copy of the book but I am trying to track down a copy for an athlete of mine. All the places I have checked say that it is out of print. Thanks.

MF Athletics usually has it. Also may want to

I see Brent on a daily basis, give me your email and I will have him contact you

New edition of that book in print.

now called

“The Science of Hurdling and Speed”

Brent also has a book just realeased in the last year called SAC Training
Speed Agility and Condition which is for all sports

contact me at for a copy:rolleyes: :smiley:

I just found a dealer on Amazon that had two copies for sale 9.99.
I will post the link soon.