Probably, but nothing will stop us now.
That is some good propaganda.
Do you mean it’s good propaganda in the sense that he’s getting his message across, or in the sense that it’s BS?
Nothing will put you off having kids like impending doom…
Haha I think that would be sweet, I’d live a lot closer to the beach
Not all BS, but lots. There are many who believe that the warming/cooling is just part of a longer cycle and that humans do not have as much of an effect on climate change as some would lead us to believe.
If we act on the thesis that we are causing it, and change our actions, then if it turns out we aren’t, at least we’ll have less pollution. But if we act like we don’t believe it’s happening or that we’re causing it, and we are, then by the time we know this definitively it may be too late to do anything.
Some of the things that supposedly help the environment do more harm than good. Some of the most popular recycling methods cause more problems for the environment than just using new.
Of course, and I was never a green weenie in the first place. But spewing out clouds of toxic crap is undesirable even if it isn’t causing warming, and what if it is?
I agree with you, I’m just saying, it isn’t all that it is made out to be, sadly.
I saw this movie this past Sunday. I thought it was AWESOME!
I don’t know how some people can argue with some of the stats.
And I agree with you Juggler, even if we aren’t (and I beleive we are) causing global warming shouldn’t we be trying to reduce pollution anyways? Just for the health of our lungs?
Herb, can you honestly say that you don’t believe our actions as a global society have NO effect on the earth?
Personally I’m turning into a hippy! LOL
What’s really funny is that many environmental scientists think Gore’s movie is crap. Gore’s cadre of scientists that agree with him are mostly not environmental scientists. Oops:
Here’s a good analysis of anthropogenic effects of global warming:
There’s that…now do I think we have an effect? Of course. At issue is the amount of the impact. I have a feeling that our actions of deforesting and desertification throughout the millions of years we’ve been on the planet have done far more damage than we are doing today. Course, I’d still love to live in a smog-free environment cause it just ain’t healthy.
That is the problem with most of the “scare”-based movies, their distortion of the issue reduces their credibility and the credibility of their cause. (Some could argue that Mike Moore has done far more damage to the left that to the right).
The other problem, more science based, is that global warming is often associated with other air pollution-based problems, when it is a specific environmental condiction. To be honest, i think that NOx emissions from china when they fully-industrialized is a far bigger environmental threat in the short term. (In the long term, i believe that global warming will be a problem, but i digress.) This amalgamation (mostly to allow the lay person to understand the problem) can be easily exploited by those who wish to block any air pollution reform.
I stopped looking when I heard the phrase: “This is really not a political issue so much as a moral issue” and then Al Gore appears. I may not know a lot about politics in the US but I know a politician when I see one.
Best movie of the year “Miami Vice”
Best soundtrack “Miami Vice”
You are joking? Right?
best song by patti labelle