Thursday 9/18
Some bw work, 20 minutes on the elliptical, then 10 more minutes of mobility and static stretching
Friday 9/19
Tempo shooting+moves for maybe 1,800-2,000 yards, then got this kid to rebound for me 20 minutes and got my 3 point stroke on
Went over to the football field. Did 600 yards of tempo, then a BUNCH of body weight shit. mainly one-legged stuff, bss, reverse, side, drop, walking lunges and pushups between each. Then more mobility work and finished it off with 10 minutes of PNF work for hips and quads. Friday night, State’s playing Notre Dame tomorrow (not that I care) but campus should be pretty fun tonight. Peace.
Saturday 9/20
A1. Bench 3x3@180, 1x8@135
A2. Chins w/10 lbs. 3x5, bwx10 clustered reps
B1. Dips 3x8x35lbs.
B2. Biceps
C1. Lateral Raises
C2. Reverse flies
Drilled hard for a good hour after. Worked a lot on moves and stuff. Threw in 10-12 max jumps in there too.
unday 9/21
Parisi Warm Up
Few different lower intensity jumps/hops
Sprints: 8x20 yard hill (little bit less of an incline and longer than other sprint day)
5x20 yard (first one was easily the best 20 yard sprint of my life. The others were all really good too.)
Full Squat 3x5x170
RDL 3x8x200
Hamstring Curl 3x10x80 and Iso hold abs w/cable 2x30 seconds
Reverse Flies
Monday 9/22
Shot for 45 minutes
Tempo Runs 15x100 yards. reps and reps of bw squats and lunges. and pushups. Walked for 15 minutes after.
Tuesday 9/23
A1. Incline DB press 50x8, 55x3x8
A2. Pull-ups+10 lbs. 3x6
B. DB Rows 85x15 each
Band Pull Aparts
Parisi Warm Up
Did some jumps mixed in with some moves for 25 minutes. Jump height is still the same, which is fine. Cutting back on volume somewhat next week should let all that accumulated fatigue dissipate.
Played 3 games of 5 on 5. Rocked that shit! lol, decent run, but d**n, I’m kinda good. lol. On to another day…
Wednesday 9/24
Parisi Warm Up
5 sets of complexed 15 yard hill sprints with 10 yard sprints, then 1 set of 15 yard hill with 1 20 yard sprint
2x 20 yard hill sprints, immediately into a 20 yard straight sprint as hill levels out abruptly
1 flying 20 yard run for fun-felt fast as hell on this one, good way to end it.
Full Squats 3x5x180
Split Squats 2x8x125
Back extensions 3x10x100 w/10 sec hold at top
Cable woodchops 2x10 with 2 sets of rear delts
Good training today!
Thursday 9/25
Some bodyweight stuff and some mobility shiiiat.
Elliptical for 20 minutes, then a good stretching session
Friday 9/25
Tempo 10x100 yd. with lunges or pushups for rest
Tempo skill work for another 1000 yards or so, plus a bunch of other shots and dribbling drills
Saturday 9/26
Bench 2x3x185
Did a bunch of shooting and handling stuff. Taped a bunch of it, first time using my family’s camera. I’m going to try and get some of it loaded tomorrow, since my sister took it to her homecoming dance tonight. Lame.
A1. Weighted Chins 3x4 +15 lbs., 1x10 bw
A2. Dips 2x6, 1x5 +45 lbs., 1x10 bw
B1. Decline Tri Extensions
B2. Cable Crossovers
C1. Reverse Incline rear delt raises
C2. Iso ab stuff
That’s my bball stuff from yesterday. Nothing is sped up. I’ll post my training from today later.
Sunday 9-28
Lateral Barrier jumps 3x10
10 yd. hill sprint 8x10
2x10 yd.
3x20 yd.
2x40 yd.
Full Squat 3x5x185
RDL 3x8x205
Reverse Hype (on 45 back extension) 3x10 w/10 second hold on last rep
Monday 9-29
Tempo skill work for 40 minutes-felt pretty good and warm after a little bit
Temp runs 10x100 yd. with pushups or lunges between
Then some bodyweight stuff, a set of 60 squats, which was a blast, and a bunch of moblity work. Finished it up with some PNF work for psoas and quads and some static stretching for everything else.
Tuesday 9-30
Did a bunch of ball handling and moves stuff for an hour and a half. Got a lot of footage of it. I’ll post some of it tonight and then the rest of it slowly. i did a bunch of shit and was wiped after, so I want it to last. lol. Also did like 5 running jumps, was fully grabbing rim, so at least an inch higher there, which takes me from poor to pedestrian in VJ’ing.
A1. Incline DB press 4x10x55
A2. Weighted Pull-ups 3x5+20
B1. Db Row 1x10x100
C1. Cable leaning away lateral raises 2 sets
C2. Scarecrows 2 sets
D. 2x30 seconds of eccentric EZ bar curls
Some of the footage I took today at the gym:
Check it out!
Wednesday 10-1 -Welcome to October baby!
Lateral Barrier Hops
Steep Hill Sprints 6x20 yards
Sprints 1x0 yd., 2x20 yd. -second one felt money, so i called it there. I wanted to keep volume low today anyways so it worked out.
Full Squats 3x5x190
Bulgarian Split Squat Iso hold- 2x25 seconds w/120 lbs.
Leg Curl 3x10x95
Hanging abs- 3x20 sec. holding legs straight out right above 90 degrees. These are freaking hard. Gymnasts are some strong dudes.