the power suit

Thanks for looking out for me and the site.
Charlie would like that!

My newest thread explains all you need to know.

One of Maurice Wilson’s (“The Jamaican Way”) videos:

I don’t think I want to get in the position of actually recommending this (I don’t have a weight vest) but the idea has been discussed.

I tried replying to the email, no such email address???

looks like he is just capitalizing on the popularity of the recent Jamaican sprint domination. I do have a weight vest. But it is only used for plyos never to sprint.

I have witnessed regular use of a weight vest by another coach and have taken note of its part in the destruction of an athlete’s technique and a catalogue of injures - enough said.

I actually preferred a full body wet suit (3/2mm) over a weighted vest. Careful and limited application has seen some good results from my athletes.

My understanding of Kelly’s usage was more in relation to VJ as opposed to sprints.

That video was interesting in providing a contrasting med ball protocol versus the one in GPP Essentials. VERY different angles! CF’s one looks more appropriate.

In his rate coding article, he recommends to do a 15-20 minute warm-up with weighted belt or vest equivalent to 5-10% of BW. Then take it off and run sprints. I plan on trying this someday in my 10-30m work.

I believe this product is to be used for plyos and NOT sprinting.

As a long time member of this site, I just found out that Rupert wasn’t associated with I contacted Rupert and he said the email was a glitch and wasn’t supposed to be sent the cf members. He went on to tell me that in no way was he inferring that or anyone associated with this site endorsed the product. He is working with the Power Suit as a new business endeavor. I don’t know any details between Rupert and this site, nor is it any of my business, but he apologizes for the glitch and has contacted the appropriate people to fix this.

QUOTE : “he said the email was a glitch and wasn’t supposed to be sent the cf members”

Sorry I dont believe this. I got this email as well, along with a load of other CF members.

Where else would he have got the email addresses of CF members except through a CF database ?? Nobody in CF would have handed over the database.

  • So the email adresses materialised at his new venture then magically got transmitted to us all ?
    Theft of contact details and abuse of my email details - I have authorised CF to contact me with offers, not for my details to turn up elsewhere through his dodgy practises.

I’m not buying that either. That excuse is pure garbage.

Easy enough mistake to make. Compose a new message, copy/paste everybody’s email address & then accidentally press send.

Enough with the conspiracies already.

the bit in bold is key. I got the email to 2 email addresses one of which set as a default at one stage on the store but never bought anything. I don’t recall any emails ever going to that email address.

Ange has no reason to mislead, was up front and honest about what is obviously a tricky matter. She has my support 100%.

I dug this out of my spam folder. Does what follows really look like a mistake to you?

Dear Friends, Athletes, Coaches

After 10 years of working with the legendary Sprints and Speed Coach Charlie Francis I have gotten involved with a great new company We are the producers of a revolutionary training suit that allows you to integrate a weighted vest and shorts into your speed training programs. I wanted to bring this exciting new product to your attention as the suit is currently being used by the reigning World and Olympic Champion Usain Bolt with amazing results.

I’m just the messenger. I don’t have all the details and I really don’t care to get involved either way. My understanding is that he has several databases and didn’t mean to send the CF list. He did compose the email that I received along with several of my friends. Obviously it was from CF members. I’m not sure if he should have it or not and it’s not my place to get involved.

No mistake. Believe what you want. Why would he have among his personal e-mail addresses or those of another business venture, mine and others here when official CF business was done from

Also, it happened twice at separate times -two different e-mails. No coincidence.

Lets hope he hasnt got a database with my credit card details from my purchases from the CF store.
I hate to think he might accidently paste that in an email to someone.

Can you point me to any discussions or articles you know of involving the weighted vest? Thanks.

Original Link: Weight Vest training.

Original Link: Weight vest?.

Original Link: Training with a weight vest.