the nightmare diet

if your up for it try a diet of mostly to all lean meats and veggies. for every portion of protein consume 3 portions of veggies. the reasoingin behind this is fruits containing simple sugars apon entering the blood stream cause a insulin spike. this is good for gaining muscle mass but also triggers triglyceride storage (storing fat). veggies become your source for polysaccarides as apposed to starchy carbs simply becasue of their nutritional content. these carbs will not cause a serious insulin spike. the only time that i consume simple sugars is 20 min before the end of my workout with protein to cause a insulin spike to faccilitate protein uptake. i usually consume raw eggs mixed with kool-aid.


i havent found the time to read everything from your diet-topic.

One short question:

I m staring with “the zone by spears”. Seems very good.
But my biggest concern is loosing muscles(i know he said that it wont happen…) by definetly less then 1800kcal-2000kcal.

I used 1.0 protein/pound and have to take in about 120g protein daily.

I know he said that the energy will come from body fat, but i m curious.

Have you tryed this?

By the way: according to his lists i have a BF% of 6%. Other methods show 22%…
Should i use the average? How do(and other of course) manage the calculatin of BF-level?

his lists? how can alist tell you your body fat. if you had a legit test done and it say your at 22% then your at 22%, sorry bud.

And Good fats

What Lists are these?

The Zone Diet … a pretty good foundation diet to start with IMO for health in general.

Why not try it for a while (say 4 weeks) see how you are on it and then tweak it bit by bit for details.

i m right now trying it.
My biggest concern is the very low calorie-intake.
I m taking 120g protein/bodyweight with these 30/40/30% and i cant hardly reach 2000kcal.
I know the protein amount is high, but am i not loosing muscle weight with these low calorie-amount?

Well why not add more protein (and everything else)? If you are training hard, I would make sure you’re getting at least 2000cals.

Dr. Sears says that the protein amount should be constant. He said maybe add some non starky carb and fish oil.

So adding everything will result in higher cals, yes, but also in an overdosis protein.

Yea but Dr. Sears is not God. Just make sure you’re getting enough calories in. Be sensible and use his stuff as a general guide. And yes, I’ve read Sears book years ago.