The Glute Ham Raise is Overrated

While I am Accelerating I run on the balls of my feet (0-60m) then I get up right, raise my hip, extend my stride, and run on my toes. Running on the balls of my feet would cause me to slow down once i have reaced my top speed.

Effective for WHAT? Can you post a relationship with this exrecise, its effects and running mechanics?
Not to attack you, I am just interested in your raionale for it! Thank Martn!

if running on the balls of your feet at top speed then you need to look at your mechanics and appropriate strenght levels.

Go on your toes and hop and try to land on your toes. Now tell me if you are able to do that at top speed running. Doesn’t happen at any level with good mechanics.

The Gym I go to(Baylor) has 3 different GHR’s. One is just like the GHR yall are talking about.

I cant find links that look like the other 2, but I’ll Describe them.
There is one that is built like the one’s yall are descibing, exept it has Rollers on the Thigh part of the bench. I guess these rollers make it easier to do a GHR, because I felt like I could do a 100 of these on this machine.

The other is just a bench with the ankle rollers on it. It will make you do more of a natural GHR on there.

Does anybody have a clue of what Im talking about.

My high school had the 2 you are describing. For the one w/o rollers, I feel it mostly in the back of my knees and typically get sore in the lower hamstrings if I haven’t done them for a while and feel it only slightly in the rest of the hamstring. For the one with rollers, I haven’t done it for a while because it is far too easy to do for a big strength movement–maybe for a slight aux. exercise at the end with some weight, but nothing incredible.

gh should be in all strength and speed programs and my be used every day.

Does/can anybody do Natural GHR’s?

I can… takes a bit of practice, but isn’t that bad. I’m not even that strong (not super weak though either) and I can do a few.

u should film urself doing a couple, would love to see.

Can you describe the machine your guys use?

we use the lat pulldown machine to our gh.

We used to have the roller version made by “Powerlift” that the dude from Baylor described. It def. makes it easier. We used to jam 25 lb. plates in between the rollers so that they would not move.

personally i feel the ghr is overrated.
I strained the back of my knee doing it and it didnt especially strengthen my hams either. i felt the majority of the exercise targetted the hams as a flexor of the hip and this is not what i wanted, even though i had a good ghr bench.

right this very minute im deciding on equipment for a home gym. i’ve a choice btw an olympic lifting setup or roman chair. its gonna be the olympic bar and bumpers for me.

i can do rdl, clean& especially snatch pulls, bulgarian squats - all excellent ham developers in the past for me.

RDLs rulez!! :slight_smile:

BTW, did anyone tried Sumo RDLs?

stick with the one that is pictured the excercise should not be made easy.

ive done them before they take a while to master.

the strain will occur with any excercise your not prepared to do. lol dont blame it on the ghr. also the hams function as an extensor of the hip not a flexor. and if you dont want to train the hamstring to perform hip extension you dont want to be a sprinter lol.

i agree 100% cant say it any better, i hate when people blame an exercise for there injury.

ut-don’t you find using the lat machine (I use that if I want to do natural ghr) makes the movement almost entirely knee flexor oriented?