The Glute Ham Raise is Overrated

Also, did they use the Bosco Standard 10x60s with 1min recovery every day? That seems like a lot to me.

Also did they ensure that vision and voice were not affected by vibration?

These are the same questions which came to my mind,but they remained unanswered.
I keep the experience as an indication,and as an experience among many others,and I take it as it is,trusting the valuable source though.

I personally used and still have the apparatus for upper body vibration training from Nemes,which did give some results on special occasions with swimmers,I do have a couple of obsevations though: I always found very difficult to quantify the load imposed by this training modality,and found other means (medball throws,inertial training )equally effective to achieve results in the same direction,although possibly over longer time frames.

Any idea which system they were using and the protocols?

Yes,but since the information does not concern what I personally do,and for the private character of the source,I would refrain from giving further details.You will excuse the choice.

Since we are talking about an Italian club and Italians GENERALLY like to buy and support Italian business its fair to say that we are probably talking about the bosco vibration systems (nemes).

Fair enough,martn76… :wink:

Come on whats a secret shared amongst friends eh?

So Pakewi, were the injuries muscular tendon or bone?

You are right… non-traumatic tendons,and muscular injuries.No bone injury was discussed together.Hence there stops my knowledge of facts…

But I think you are already much past their own awarness and ability to integrate vibration training into a whole program,as your proposed interesting correlations between jumps/movements numbers and hz frequencies show previously in this discussion…

One more question: What kind of stance/(s) do you use (angles)?

Half or quarter squat stance… sometimes deep squat.


I just purchased a v-platform and found flexibility really is enhanced by this machine. Do you find any use for this machine before, during or post strength workout…or just on speed days only?

It has been used on other days as well for rcovery also.

Indeed BMS (local vibration) is excellent for changing muscle tone. I don’t know what the long term affects are but I find it really helpful.

Is it likely that the improvements seen with mechanical vibration would be similar to conventional plyometrics such as depth jumps/drop jumps in that it would be most effective only in certain times of the training year?
For instance alot of people believe the majority of plyometrics should be done for about a four week period after a strength focused mesocycle. Is it possible that mechanical vibration would be similar to this?

bob- “So where do I go to find out about vibration platforms?”

biff- “oh you know, the glute-ham raise thread.”

bob- “oh right, of course…why don’t we just use an actual thread on vibra-”

biff- “NOOOPE sorry.”

bob- “…okay bu-”

biff- “NOOOOO”

bob- “…wha-”


bob- “hey, stop doing th-”

biff- “hey, stop doing th…seriously, only in the GHR thread…or meet your maker…”

bob- “…”

biff- “oh that’s right…welcome to thunderdome bitch…”


^^^^^ Ooook…

the problem with your theory is its flawed right out of the gate. yes most people favor perodization in which training is organized into hypertrophic strenght and explosive phases but this is not the only way to organize training and in actuallity it is a pretty ineffeceint way to organize training. perodization as it has been adopted in the west is only one componnet of the russian training system. the same geos for conjugate training. in russia and most of the eastern bloc countries a coaches salary was based on his atheltes performance. you atheltes dont perform you and your family don eat. perodization was a means to meet quotos for athletic achievement. it was safe and achieved moderate gains which could then insure the coach would have food to eat. perodization as it is used in the west is even worse it doesnt take into account biological considerations and if it does it does not consider themselves in enough detail. the supercompensatory effect is not full exploited with this method and in recent years many of the top russian coaches have come out against the system as being outdated and ineffeceinet.
i have seen programs in whcih plyometric activites are performed everyday during multiple sessions 7 days a week. ofcourse the load is always considered but this shows that a tool such as plyometrics is used when needed not according to arcane program structuring. so like plyometrics vibration is a tool that should be used as moment demands it.

So how would you determine what needs to be done throughout the training year? What indicators would you use to determine what training methods to employ at different times in the athlete’s development? I have seen in previous posts that you are a proponent of Autoregulation training but even with that wouldn’t there be any changes throughout the various stages of athletic development, and again if so how would one determine this? I am not asking these as a challenge or anything. I am genuinely curious as you/schroeder seem to have some very interesting ideas on training and even if I am not sure I would agree with everything it would be interesting to hear your philosophies on various aspects of periodization or what one would do as an alternative.

glute ham raises are the best hamstring exercise bar none. the reversehypers are 2nd any remotley good sprinters lifting routine includes ghr’s. its sad to see that people think it is overrated. maybe that is why only a couple gyms have them. if you are serious a about sprinting and your gym doesn’t have a ghr machine, cancel your membership and go find a gym that does.

weird more guys have gone sub 9.8 w/o a glute ham raise than with…

have you ever heard of the theory of constraints. i only ask because it is a very interesting theory used in the business world but it has basic applications to all things in life. the theory states that before you can have the proper answer to a given problem you must first ask the RIGHT question. once this is done you ask yourself what is the one constraint amongst the factors that effects the system most adversly. for example if we divide sprinting performance into 3 imaginary factors trait A trait B and trait C. if trait B is the greatest constraint on the spectrum of above mentioned constraints the this is the greatest one constraint tha tmust be addressed. lets give trait B a theoretical value of 10 on a scale of 1 - 100 the higher the number the more satisfactory the trait relative to the others. now what has been found through study is that usually 20% of a given systems resources or required to imporve a trait up to 80% basically for initial improvement very little of the available resources are needed. for the last 20% of the given trait B the resource expense increases. for example you vert sucks its only 5 inches to imporve it to 10 takes very little of your availbe resources to increase it to 15 would require a lot of relative resources. so what the theroy tells us is that we dont expend the remainder of our resources to bring that one trait up to 100 we simple move onto the next greatest constraint on the spectrum of constraints. So if we divide human performance into given traits ie absolute strength speed strength explosive strength ect ect we can apply the theroy of constraitnt for rapid imporvement. ofcourse it is mor ecomplex than this but this gives you an example of possilbe program organization.

also, yes there are times where preapatory work must be done this is mostly localized to the need for an individual to get in the biomechanically safest and most effective postion but it is not cyclic as it is in traditional perodization. what must be trained to further performance is trained and that what is not trained is maintained. all of this is intergrated into the training system.