The Anterior Chain

rj, I am a scientist by training and education (24 years working at the Ph.D. level). Scientific theory is nothing without empirical data that can be observed. So lets just keep this very simple. I’ll also keep it close to home. My 200lb., 23y.o. nephew can squat 620lbs. raw to an inch or two below parallel. I see him do it with some regularity. Let’s say that the torso represents 60% of bodyweight, and each leg 20%. His squat then would be 620 + (.6 * 200) = 740lbs, or 370lbs. per leg. The single leg equivalent would be (.8 * 200) = 160, leaving 210lbs. for the bar. I know other 200lb athletes that can squat over 600lbs raw. Do you know many (or any) 200lb athletes that can single leg squat to 2 inches below parallel with 210lbs. on their back? If so, please post a video.