ThaDragon's Training Journal

Monday, September 26, 2006

Agility Ladder Circuit

Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 230 - 4 x 5
RDLs - 200bs - 2 x 10

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

2 x 4 Upper Body Altitude Drops (3/4th arm bend)
2 x 4 Upper Body Plyometric Box Depth Push Ups (1/4th arm bend)

Bench Press - Bar x 10, 95 x 7, 145 - 4 x 5
Chin-Ups - 3 x 12
Shoulder Press - 30lbs - 3 x 10
Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 2 x 9

VERY good workout

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

2 x 10 Alternating Bicep Curls - 35lbs
2 x 12 Bent-Over Rear-Delt Flyes - 15lbs
2 x 10 Lateral Dumbbell Raises - 15lbs
2 x 15 External Rotations - 15lbs

Biking - 29 minutes

Saturday, October 1, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 x 5, 160 x 2
DB Bench Press - 50lbs - 3 x 10
DB Bent-Over Rows - 50lbs - 3 x 12

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Agility Ladder Circuit

5 x 1 Vertical Jumps

Parallel Squats - Bar x 10, 135 x 6, 205 x 5, 255 x 5, 300 x 3, 255 x 10

Biking - 26-27 minutes

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Running - 10 minutes
Walking - 5 minutes
Running - 7 minutes
Walking - 12 minutes

Monday, October 10, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 x 5, 160 x 2

Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 230 - 4 x 5

DB Bench Press - 50lbs - 2 x 9

RDLs - 200bs - 2 x 10

Thursday, October 13, 2005

2 x 4 Upper Body Altitude Drops (3/4th arm bend)
2 x 4 Upper Body Plyometric Box Depth Push Ups (1/4th arm bend)

Bench Press - Bar x 10, 95 x 7, 150 - 1 x 5, 3 x 4
Chin-Ups - 3 x 12
Shoulder Press - 30lbs - 3 x 11
Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 2 x 9

your keeping a nice journal going, I think you had one on a proboard that I used to frequent a while back and if I remember right you’ve made some nice progress since then. :o (course i could be wrong)

Not sure about the proboard, but he’s definitely made some great progress. All you gotta do is look back onto the first page and compare the weights then and now and the difference is dramatic. Good job Dragon, like I said earlier, just know that people watch your progress even if they don’t comment. Stay committed and keep working hard and good things will happen. Hell, you’re stronger than I am now in some of the lifts you list, it’s actually kind of motivating to see your progress…

Saturday, October 15, 2005

3 x 4 Drop Jumps (land in 1/4 squat)
3 x 4 Drop Jumps (land in 3/4 squat)
3 x 4 1-Leg Split-Squat Jumps

2 x 4 1/4 Jump Squats /w Reset - 95lbs
2 x 4 1/4 Jump Squats /w Reset - 75lbs
4 x 4 2H DB Swings - 50lbs

3 x 30s Isometrics Crunches - 35lb
2 Double Add Sets Bicep Curls - 25lbs x 15 + 30lbs x 4
2 x 8 Skull Crushers - 65lbs

i kinda had to cheat on the 30lb curls
i could have done more reps on the skull crushers

thanks for the support d-nasty and mr c…
i did in fact have a journal on one of the proboards…i had originally posted a link to it in my first post but i guess it got edited out, so i have no idea where that is now
and thanks for the compliments…i was actually a bit disappointed looking over my last few months, especially in terms of my bench and deadlift numbers, as the improvements didnt seem as great as i would like…maybe i just expected the easy improvements that came in the beginning to continue…
anyways, i have about a month before basketball starts, so while i may not real my target numbers, its good to know that i have improved…
i think, however, that for this last month, at least for my lower body, im going to focus on workouts a bit more similar to the workout i had today…

Monday, October 17, 2005

Incline Bench Press - Bar x 15, 105lbs - 2 x 10
Decline Bench Press - 135lbs - 2 x 5
Chin-Ups - 2 x 12
Shoulder Press - 30lbs - 2 x 11
Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 1 x 10
Skull Crushers - 65lbs - 1 x 10 (could have done more)

very quick workout. i was tired.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 - 5 x 5

pretty bad workout. i felt pretty weak.
my left shoulder was bothering me.
i had like strained a muscle on my right arm last week somewhere between the bicep and the shoulder muscle, and that bothered me for a few days and prevented me from lifting.
also, i havent really lifted too hard for a couple weeks, so that might have some effect.
i also have a high sprain on my right ankle which happened yesterday playing basketball…

3 x 30s Isometric Crunch - 45lb Plate
2 x 35 Leg Raises
2 x 35 Crunches
2 x 35 Pushups

Friday, October 28, 2005

2 x 4 Upper Body Altitude Drops (3/4th arm bend)
2 x 4 Upper Body Plyometric Box Depth Push Ups (1/4th arm bend)

Bench Press - Bar x 10, 95 x 7, 145 - 4 x 5
Chin-Ups - 2 x 15
Skull Crushers - 70lbs - 2 x 8
Pull-Ups - 2 x 20

Monday, October 31, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 x 5, 150 - 2 x 3
DB Bench Press - 50lbs - 2 x 10
DB Bent-Over Rows - 50lbs - 2 x 12

Tuesday, November 2, 1005

Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 230 - 3 x 5
RDLs - 200bs - 3 x 8
Isometric Crunches - 45lbs - 1 x 30s, 2 x 40s

Sunday, November 6, 2005

Agility Ladder
2 x 100 Jumping Jacks
2 x 100 Mountain Climbers
3 x 15 Supermans
3 x 60s Planks
2 x 60s (each side) Horses
1 x 50s (each side) Side Planks
Glute Activiation Circuit - 15 Both, 15 Right, 15 Left
Ankle Band (both sides) - 20 down, 20 in, 20 out, 20 clockwise, 20 counterclockwise

Hey Dragon,

How does one execute the superman and plank movement? Are all these moves done in rapid succession, one after the other with little or no rest in between?

Supermans are basically lying on your stomach and lifting your legs and arms up at once. They target your lower back.
Planks are done by lying on your stomach and then getting up on your forearms. They target some abdominal muscle.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Pushups - 3 x 25
Dips (legs on ground, hands on chair)- 3 x 20
Decline Pushups - 3 x 25

Saturday,November 12, 2005

Paralle Squats - Bar x 10,135 x 7, 205 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 5
Bench Press - Bar x 20,95 x 7, 135 x 5, 150 x 3
Snatch-Grip Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 230 x 5
RDLs - 205 x 5

basketball starts on monday, so i wanted to make sure my numbers in the weight room were solid so i knew what to base my in-season lifting around