ThaDragon's Training Journal

when you start a new thread theres an option that says:
“You may choose an icon for your message from the following list:”
i chose the green arrow.
just like i chose the light bulb that should appear on this post.

hmmmmmmm ooooowwwwwwwww i see.

Thank you for telling me that.

Keep up the training.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

2 x 35 Crunches
2 x 20 Leg Raises
2 x 30 Ankle Touches

Friday, August 26, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 145 - 4 x 5
Chin-Ups - 3 x 12
Shoulder Press - 25lbs - 3 x 12
Alternating Bicep Curls - 25lbs - 3 x 10

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following your training and you’ve been doing a damn good job sticking with the work, and your numbers are definitely improving. Keep up the good work and good luck trying to meet your goals for November! Going for a 300lb full squat is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, so make sure your working hard toward your goals and stay consistent. If stay committed like you are right now I’m sure you can make it.

Oh! It’s great to have some encouragement and to know that someones been following my journal! However, of my goals, i sadly feel that my full squat to 300 is the fartherst out of reach. Today after parallel squatting, i had hoped to do some full squats with relatively high reps, but i didnt have it in me to lower the weight so i decided not to.

i tested my Vert (legitimate vert. no steps whatsoever) today on my garage wall. my reach was 90 inches and my highest touch on the wall was only 24 inches higher than that. However, i know i can jump higher than that, so i went outside and i can grab my 10 foot rim off of my vert, so somehow measuring on the wall messes me up. I did this all barefoot.

My workout today went as follows:
Agility Ladder Circuit
Testing Vert
Parallel Squats - Bar x 10, 135 x 6, 205 x 5, 255 x 10, 275 x 5
Isometric Crunches - 35lbs - 3 x 30s
Bucket Raises - 25lbs - 3 x 15

Monday, August 29, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 x 5, 160 x 2
DB Bench Press - 50lbs - 3 x 9
DB Bent-Over Rows - 50lbs - 3 x 12
Shoulder Press - 30lbs - 2 x 10
Alternating Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 2 x 10
External Rotations - 15lbs - 2 x 10

one hell of a workout. i had orginally hoped to do 3 sets of the last 3 exercises, but i figured that i would collapse form exhaustion if i tried.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Agility Ladder
Snatch-Grip Deadlifts: 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 - 4 x 5
RDLs: 185lbs - 3 x 8

Thursday, September 1, 2005

Bench Press - 135 x 5, 150 x 5, 150 x 4

Friday, September 2, 2005

Dynamic Warmup (ROM Exercises) (basically my lower body warmup)

10 BW Squats
10 BW Forward Lunges (each leg)
10 BW Reverse Lunges (each leg)
10 BW Step Ups (each leg)
10 BW Side Step Ups (each leg)
10 BW Side Lunges (each leg)

Mobility Exercises:
Hurdles: 3 x 10 Under, 3 x 10 Over Sideways, 3 x 10 Over Forwards
Ankle Band: 20 in, 20 out, 20 down, 20 clockwise, 20 counterclockwise

Pushups - 4 x 25

3 x 35 Crunches
3 x 25 Leg Raises
3 x 25 Ankle Wiggles

Static Stretching Routine

Monday, September 5, 2005

Bench Press - 135lbs - 5 x 5
Shoulder Press - 30lbs - 2 x 8
Alternating Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 2 x 10
Chin-Ups - 2 x 10

I haven’t gotten good sleep lately as summer is nearing its end, so i was really tired. I started cheating on the shoulder presses by using my legs. i also started cheating on the curls by swinging the dumbbells. the chin-ups were also pretty bad. ah well, i feel like whatever i did is probably better than nothing at all.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Snatch-Grip Deadlifts: 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 4, 245 x 3
RDLs: 185lbs - 2 x 10
Incline Bench Press: Bar x 15, 95lbs - 3 x 10
Barbell Bent Rows: 95lbs - 3 x 15
Alternating Bicep Curls: 30lbs - 1 x 10

today was my first day of school…senior year…i was exhausted but i wanted to do a whole body workout today so i wouldnt work out tomorrow because apparently our new basketball coach wants to run a session on friday, so i dont want to be sore or anything. i’m not sure if i will play this year due to recurring issues with my left groin and knee, but hopefully that will all be sorted out come november.

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 x 5, 160 x 1
DB Bench Press - 50lbs - 3 x 9
DB Bent-Over Rows - 50lbs - 3 x 12
Side Bends - 50lbs - 3 x 30
Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 2 x 8

i’ve been a little sick lately, so it was a bit difficult getting back into the swing of things. overall a solid workout though.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Agility Ladder
4 x 2 Tuck Jumps
4 x 3 1-Leg Split-Squat Jumps

Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 - 3 x 5
RDLs - 185lbs - 2 x 10

Thursday, September 15, 2005

20 Leg Raises
20 Sit-Ups
20 Russian Trunk Twists
20 Saxxon Side Bends

I did this circuit 3 times with a 5lb medicine ball.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 135 x 5, 160 x 2
DB Bench Press - 50lbs - 3 x 9
DB Bent-Over Rows - 50lbs - 3 x 12
Side Bends - 50lbs - 3 x 30
Bicep Curls - 30lbs - 2 x 8

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Agility Ladder
4 x 2 Vertical Jumps
2 x 3 1-Leg Split-Squat Jumps
3 x 3 Depth Jumps @ 16 inches

Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 230 - 3 x 5, 1 x 3 (not failure, just lost concentration)
RDLs - 195lbs - 3 x 8

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Biking - 35 minutes

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Biking - 28 minutes

I did the exact same route as yesterday, but today was less about a relaxing ride and more about trying to work on some endurance, so i went alot harder. I could tell that i was a little bit sore from yesterday, especially in the glutes and lower back, as it became quite a bit more difficult on extended up-hill areas.

Friday, September 23, 2005

2 x 4 Upper Body Altitude Drops (3/4th arm bend)
2 x 4 Upper Body Plyometric Box Depth Push Ups (1/4th arm bend)

Bench Press - Bar x 20, 95 x 7, 145 - 2 x 5, 1 x 3

i cut the workout short