OK! I try to explain a test I proposed in more detail…
You set 2 markers with 30m space on the field. The athlete should run maximaly from one point to another, but not just run, he should stop suddenly. When he do this he rest for about 20sec (or some other time, according to the his age or pozition in game). He should repeat this procedure for about 3-5min (or more, if can) to allow him to enter some kind of a dynamical steady state. This time lag is needed because inetria of cardio-respiratory system to adapt (this is another issue, maybe I will post this problem). On each run you measure his running time.
Supose you have two athletes, A and B. These are their results (on each run, in seconds). The number are symbolic time, because I didnt do this test.
Run # Athlete A Athlete B
3.0 3.3
3.0 3.3
3.1 3.4
3.2 3.4
3.3 3.4
3.4 3.4
3.5 3.4
3.5 3.4
3.6 3.5
3.7 3.5
3.8 3.5
3.9 3.5
4.0 3.5
4.1 3.5
4.2 3.5
*This results are hypotethics, it is just an idea! dont forget that!
You see athele A is quicker than B but he started fatiguing and his running time continue to increase (he didnt enter steady state – he cannot recover during pause). On the other hand athlete B is slower but during the test he enters steady state (he dont accumulate LA because his aerobic capacity is power enough to resintensize ATP/CP neccesary for run).
If we calcutate some variables we could get:
Athlete A Athlete B
Best time 3.0 3.3
Worst time 4.2 3.5
Mean Time 3.51 3.43
during the test
IAE index 0.71 0.94
Steadsy state n/a after 3min
starts at
So, you see, athlete A is faster but he cannot be fast during the 90min of game. He should be playing a position where he can rest longer (lets say, attack ), but player B is slower but more endurant than athlete A and he could play in the middle… So you can use this test for selection.
You can use this test to evaluate training program and to plan your training. If you see that your athlete is quick but he cannot sustain bursts of activity without droping in performance, he should concentrate on IAE development. If athlete is slow but endurant he should develop quickness and speed, explosivenes etc.
But how to develop IAE (interval acceleration endurance )? He could pay more attention on developing aerobic capacity using continuous running, intervals and activities like this test (ofcourse). But what is the relation between quickness and IAE? I personaly think that there is a trade-off so the coach must think of it. If he pushes aerobic activities that can be dentrimental on quickness and vice versa…
Please forgive me for my stupidity, this is just an idea and have in mind that I was on party last night till 5AM and now is 11AM… :rolleyes: