Testosterone Levels (Blood Analysis)

How much sleep do you get? Hows your diet? Whats your volume of training? Do you lift weights?

Do you still stop and stare when a fine piece of ass walks past :stuck_out_tongue: ? weird question I know but when I lift best I’m usually horny as hell so I generally attribute that to my test levels.

Man that makes me laugh:p
Over the last season i have tuned up those things
I sleep at least 8-9hours and sometimes hav a nap in the day
after training.I am a personal trainer as well so i do get run down but i should bounce back and i don’t.
I eat very well and take supplements also.
I do lift weights 2times a week with plyos and 3-4 sessions off-season.I have 5 track session a week and a race or TT on sat. My body weight is 75kgs and have a very strong strength/power base. bench 155kgs, squat 215kgs, clean 100kgs, box jump 148cms.I am 24years old. I must say my sex drive is high to.
this makes me very confused bout have low test levels.
Its getting to the point where i cant recover and very low energy.This is stopping me from giving max effort in training.I feel that i am in the best shape to run fast times but get to sat and hit the wall.How can i get my test levels up legally?
Please help

It’s weird, doesn’t sound as though your levels are low with the lifting (nice bench!) and sex drive… but you’ve had it tested so it seems to prove it.

Do you take ZMA? that should do a world of good with the amount of training you do. Are you vegetarian?

IMO it may be the volume of training thats causing the low levels… when your bodies trying to pick the levels up again it gets hit with another session - thats why ZMA should help. Maybe lay off the volume for a few weeks and do some quality work with a couple rest days, see how you feel?

It’s a wildcard but you could try Tonkgat Ali… studies have shown good results for middle aged men eith low T levels…

Yeah i think you may be right bout the training volume,we have just come out of a big one and i never have recovered very well.
I have just started taking ZMA so i hope that helps.Also love my meat and protein.

I had my specialist appointment today,same again not much help from a athletes point.
He is doing more tests to get to the bottom of the low energy.I don’t think it will come back with much
thanks for your help
Also good to open the door wider

How effective do you find ZMA? I have tried it in the past without much noticeable effect. It gave me a couple of vivid dreams when I first tried it, which may be indicative of a better quality sleep, hence a better recovery, but in terms of performance benefits, I couldn’t really see any.

I have tried it in the past without much noticeable effect. It gave me a couple of vivid dreams when I first tried it, which may be indicative of a better quality sleep, hence a better recovery, but in terms of performance benefits, I couldn’t really see any.

What you said.

I keep using Mg though.

You just take pure magnesium?

Every study ive read has shown no effect on testosterone from ZMA. Other than the one posted on the SNAC website. I would have to say get your diet in order because you can get what you need out of that, plus many other benfits.

You just take pure magnesium?

Yes, that’s what make you sleep better.

If I am going to sleep late or I can sleep only a few hours, I use Mg to improve the quality of sleep.

Ok, and you found that to be noticeably beneficial?

ZMA is expensive for what it is… more often than not I just get the seperate ingredients. Personally I get more fulfilling sleep and feel energetic in the morning. The effect seems more pronounced when i’m doing alot of volume.
I personally take ZMA and some Glutamine half hour before bed. Magnesium does help you sleep, however Zinc and B-vits are important for replenishing Test, so yeah - in theory you get better sleep and test replenishment.
Plus I don’t believe that ZMA increases testosterone, it just provides the depleted minerals that are needed to replenish Test.

It’s a recovery aid rather than a performance booster…

Yes, otherwise I would have not kept using it.

Good quality oils should be consumed too. Add some oil to your protein shake - nice.

UKCheetah touched on what I believe with many of these supplements, in particular ZMA & tribulus.
The common paradigm is to look for the boost in Test & performance. However I feel that (particularly under heavy volume) these supplements replenish & maintain normalTestosterone levels & allow you to bounce back for more training. Individuals hoping to have their sports performance to be catapulted into the stratosphere by these compounds alone will be disappointed.