Tendon Problem

About a week ago the day AFTER I had a workout (sprinting) the area under my right knee is sore; more specifically the tendon, for sure.

I thought I might be my IT band but its not. I can still sprint 95% plus after I’m warm but when I come home and get cool if I move that leg/knee in certain angles I feel pain.

I’m now stretching 3x a day for about a week but it’s not getting better however it’s not getting worse. What should I do?

read ‘sore bicep femoris tendon’ 2 threads below

Thanks!! But one thing; I can’t even feel the tendon that’s bothering me with my own hands as the injured area is somewhere deep on the side of my knee.:confused:

So even if I use Ice or heat rub its not going to even touch the area that needs to be healed.

Uhhh, this is so frustrating…

I would be careful how aggressively you are stretching the area. That may inflame it further. As for wrapping it with heat rub etc. That just generates more heat as a response to surface irritation and additional wrapping which seems to help with normal healing processes.

Based on my experience with rehabbing my patella tendon --.

Do not stretch. This will inflame the tendon like mad.

Take 10g Fish OIl a day.

Take ibuprofen, liquid caps preferred for faster effectiveness, in 800 mg doses 2x a day, and one or more more smaller doses throughout the day as needed.

Gently massage the area with ointment of some kind (not heat rub!!!) for about 5 minutes or a bit more maybe before training to feel for anything tight, painful or just wrong. Things seem to “come to the surface” this way. If problems are detected then a visit to an orthopedic surgeon is in order for diagnosis. A doctor who has worked with pro teams, as mine did, can make assessments that someone with lesser training/experience can overlook.

If no problems are found, then maybe the tendon is just inflamed. Don’t train for a few days. Take 2 days off doing as little walking as possible, then do a warmup and run whatever you’re used to with an eye on the leg and how it feels. See how it feels after running.

Ice + ibuprofen + rest after running.

These are what I found works for swollen tendons.

What are the positions/movements that cause pain?

One thing to be careful of is that when one area hurts, the body moves differently and you then hurt something else. Be careful of how tight the rest of the leg and the rest of the body are.

I know you can’t feel the injury directly with your hands, but how does everything else feel when you touch it?

It sounds like the problem could be something aside from the “jumper’s knee” type situation you are describing. Have a look at some info on pes anserine bursitis.

Ahhh!! THANK YOU!! I got the ice, my mom has some left over fish oil, I bought a bottle of liqui-gels ibuprofen today and I’m going to rest this whole week to top it off…

As far the movements that cause pain…

  1. When I pick up my leg to put a pair of pants.

  2. If I’m sitting in a chair and I bend over to touch the floor.

It’s not painful but there is pain and it won’t go away.

Everything else feels fine… This is strange for me as I really dug in my leg the other night and I just can’t locate the area that’s causing the pain…

I got to find an Asian foot massage place… When I was living in another state I paid only 15 bucks for a 1 hour session!! Where I live now I don’t see any places like that around…

Have you tried stretching the sciatic and pirenial nerves? Problems in the back of my knees aoften seem to be nerves… some sciatic flossing and nerve stretches do the world of good.

Try some good nerve stretches and see how it feels immediately after…

Anyone tried cissus just atimmbled across this product

Wow, how do you do that? As far as my injury, only one day into doing what was posted and my leg is feeling better.

BTW, that girl in your advar keeps looking at me… I think she likes me. :slight_smile:

Google sciatic flossing…

and yea, my avatar is amonst too much… literally makes my eyes water.