March 21, 2010, 10:38pm
I am. Every college track coach cannot get 10.5guys etc. into their school (academic standards, scholarship money available, facility quality limitations., one of the lowest ath. dept. budgets in the nation etc.) and mine is one of them.
I know well of Charlie’s chicken soup comments re: tempo-I’ve heard them many times- as I’ve got most of the products, seen him in person twice including co-hosting a three day seminar with him featured, and was of the first people on his board-the original board back in 2001.
Who said it was complex? I said no to the time range you indicated. As I said before, the athletes want a simple but specific time range to run in and I know his recommendation is 65-75% adjusted for surface conditions.
I gave you a sample answer that I’m sure CF would support. 16-20sec, if it’s too easy add some bw drills btw the drills. Also you could always start out at 20sec and work down to 16sec.