James is kind to provide some workout numbers and examples of his athletes, but leads into something else.
James mentions his athletes running tempo in ~16sec for 100 yards, or about 17mid for 100m. Given the ability he says his athletes have and the workouts that have been posted before, what is the goal of this?
In certain material, Charlie called an athlete out on running their tempo too slow. Further, the volumes James has posted before seem quite low to generate any sort of general fitness or work capacity qualities from such slow speeds.
Now, if the point of tempo is simply to loosen up and be ready for a speed session, that makes sense, but then why use the “big circuit” or do significant tempo volumes? If the point is to also generate fitness, why run so slow? If you are a sub 11 second 100m sprinter (which is at least the ability of the athletes used as an example), running 100m tempo in over 17 may not even generate much fatigue, let alone approach concerns for lactic (as an example, my general fitness is not where it should be an I did 2x10x100m with 50m walk rest in mid 15 and, while tired, experienced no lactic whatsoever with a PR in the range of times James describes).