Your shoulders look like they’re tensed and raised. That might be the picture, though. Also, your your core looks weak as well. Your tight hip flexors and lower back that gives that impression…
Can you guys give me effective ways to fix the tightness in the hip flexors and quads?
Yeah, I noticed the head and back arching thing and I was like “wow…” You guys think this is something I could just fix by running differently, or do I gotta strengthen or loosen something?
Oh yeah, that day did kinda suck. The week before I ran the fastest 100m I ever did, and it felt so easy. The run in that picture didn’t feel so easy, but nonetheless thats how I ran and something that probably happens anyways.
How often do you stretch, etc? I do static & self contract-relax stretches, self myo-fascial release and self massage several times weekly. Everything I do is basic and not very time consuming. You should develop a flexibility routine, concentrating on your most inflexible areas.
Your back arch can be reduced by strengthening your core and by becoming more flexible in your lower back & hip complex. Maybe your traps and neck muscles are tight as well. I practice my arm motion while standing still. Concentrate on being relaxed and keep your shoulders down while doing so. Also, you need to practice being relaxed while you’re running in general. Just focus on being relaxed. It’s that simple. Focus on running your perfect run. You know that your shoulders need to be relaxed, so do it every time…
I really only stretch slightly before my workouts, which I guess is kind of dumb. I was thinking of maybe doing my self myofacial release(foam roller) and stretching after my workouts, which is 3x a week. Think thats enough?
Alright I’ll do some lower back and ab work, and stretch and release all the tighter areas. Do you know any good stretches for the lower back?
JohnG109, I use a foam roller or a soup can. Anything cylindrical and somewhat firm can work. The point is to gently apply pressure to an area where you are tight. I’d be here all day if I tried to give a technical explination, so here’s a link (which isn’t very techinical at all) that describes how to perform SMR