Sam Freas wrote a book called Sprinting: A Coach’s Challenge, about swimming, that has some parallels to Charlie’s stuff. You have to train fast to go fast, long slow distance kills you, etc. He has some neat stories about a Cuban 800m guy who came up from 400m and just went all out in the 800m. He kept dying, but later and later, until he (I think) set a world record in the 800m (I’m not a track guy, but I am sure someone here will know something about it). He also talked about a middle distance relay between his sprinters and his team’s distance guys. The distance guy said the sprinters would get crushed. The sprinters won by a ton and all looked like they were going to pass out. The distance guys looked and felt great, other than the fact that they got toasted. The book mentions a lot about dry land training.
Golden Girl, about Natalie Coughlin, was neat, too, in that she didn’t do much distance work, but did a lot of speedwork with relatively low volume and a lot of rest and that sort of thing. Apparently the program was looked down upon by other swim coaches, but she won multiple gold medals anyway.