Swedish coach to quit

Sweden’s athletics coach Thomas Engdahl to quit after Beijing
18 January 2008
Sweden’s athletics coach, Thomas Engdahl, has announced he will quit after this year’s Beijing Olympics.

Engdahl said he won’t renew his contract when it expires Oct. 1 because he wants to spend more time with his family.

“I have not had any thoughts about signing a new four-year contract since it means that I have to spend a lot of time away from the family,” Engdahl said Thursday in a statement.

“I think it is better that somebody else has the time to prepare the team ahead of the 2012 Olympics and the 2013 European Athletics Indoor Championships in Goteborg.”

The Swedish Athletic Association said it has already begun the search for a new coach, and that it hopes to have found someone by the time Engdahl’s contract expires.

thought, is he any good? if so - would it not be a good idea to place a “trainee” with him till the end of the oly games? show him the ropes, teach him a thing or two.