Sweden out of WCh race

Sweden withdraws IAAF World Championships’ bid
Friday 15 December 2006
The IAAF has received a letter from the Swedish Athletics Association confirming that Gothenburg is pulling out of the race to host the 2011 or 2013 World Championships in Athletics.

SAA General Secretary Lennart Karlberg told the IAAF that “the Swedish Government has informed the SAA that they cannot properly provide the Swedish application for the WCH 2011 or 2013 with the necessary financial support. As this has been an absolute condition, in addition to the regional support by The City of Gothenburg, the SAA has decided to withdraw from the competition to host the WCH.

“We are of course disappointed but we will continue our efforts to get international athletic events and championships to Sweden and look forward to upcoming opportunities for different bids.”

Gothenburg, in the south of Sweden, hosted the 1995 edition of the IAAF World Championships and this year’s European Championships.

Moscow, Brisbane and Daegu are still in the race to host either the 2011 or 2013 edition, while Barcelona is in the running for 2013 only.

The hosts of both championships will be announced in Mombasa, Kenya, on March 27 at the IAAF Council Meeting.