Supplements for beginner

I would like to know what supplements would you recommend for a beginning sprinter such as myself. I have trained for about 9mo., am 18 yrs old, and run low 11s e.t. in the 100. Should I just use basic supplements such as protein or should I use more complex stuff such as Go! or Surge, etc.?

Thanks guys!

start off with a good miltivitamin

What multivitamins are good?

in europe we have a MV called wellman which is excellent but will be hard to get in the us,try using a daily one from the likes of twinlab who are a very respectable brand/company

Prophet, you should definately use protein-shakes.
I think a good multivitamin and fast carbs(maltodextrin) would help you alot in your training.

Originally posted by X-Man
in europe we have a MV called wellman which is excellent but will be hard to get in the us,try using a daily one from the likes of twinlab who are a very respectable brand/company

I checked out their website and they only had two listed, sport fuel or vita fuel?

What protein supplements would u recommend? Also does anyone know of a good bovine colostrum product? Sharmer posted a study that confirmed its effectiveness a while ago, but I haven’t found any companies that sell it. Any and all nutrition experts are certainly welcome to respond!

prohet, wellman+wellwoman are widely available in europe,will get you the link later but try to get your hands on some twinlab MV’ for protein i would also stick with ywinlab,slightly expensive but well worth the extra few dollars.

my basic would be - MV,protein shake,vit C,glucosamine.

Prophet, check this out for bovine colostrum:

A few studies (summarised half way down this t-mag page
) have shown increases in performance with colostrum, but it seems you would need to take 20-60g/day which would be very expensive. I’m very skeptical of the immune supporting claims though.

Seeing beginners devolop very well anyway, I’d just go with the nutrition including protein supp, maltodextrin and a low dose multi. Other supps can be added later.

Forget the colostrum- I thought that was debunked years ago along with deer antler! Eat right and use multi-vits first, if you need to, add a protein supplement next.

Originally posted by VG
Prophet, you should definately use protein-shakes.
I think a good multivitamin and fast carbs(maltodextrin) would help you alot in your training.

The only protein shakes that i have are from Mc Donalds super size.

a joke

Originally posted by X-Man
start off with a good miltivitamin

Usana is the shiznit. I’ve never tried Wellman.

Originally posted by Charlie Francis
Forget the colostrum- I thought that was debunked years ago along with deer antler! Eat right and use multi-vits first, if you need to, add a protein supplement next.

Got it!

Hey Chalie, just a quick question re: multivitamin,

about 10 years ago (I was 17) at York Track Centre I was doing a speed workout and I was having an exhaustive day, I felt so fatigued.

Your wife Angie (she was doing speed work too) noticed I looked like crap and asked what was wrong and we began talking. A little while later you came by and to make a not so long story short you and I began talking and you made some comments on my stride length (being too short, but that’s another story) and then I had asked what I can do to get stronger.

Your exact words were “just keep training” lol & do plyos and then when you asked about vitamins I told you that I was taking a Multivitamin from Jameson and you recommended a Swiss Product “Swiss 180” so my question is this?

After 10 years would you still recommend Swiss 180 or is there another that tickles your fancy? (aside from Snac ZMA cuz I know yer a fan)

thanks Charlie

Ensure your diet is in top shape as it makes a bigger difference then any food supplement you can take.

When its in order I would use a protein/carb shake directly after training (and even during) as the only supplement that you should add at this stage.

0.4 g/whey protein/kg bodyweight and double that for carbs in the form of maltodextrin which you can buy in the home brew section of the supermarket.