suggest alternate squat workouts for a sprinter

yeah look for a bodybuilder on the track in London when you’ll watch the OG on tv and you’ll find me waving!!! lol

Seriously though, while I still don’t quite understand all the hate for a mirror when performing squats and it is not the kind of answer I was expecting at all at first but I see that the results are pretty unanimous so far…

I find your opinions on the subject very interesting and thanks to all for your input so far.

Some of you talked about proprioception,olympic weight lifter,gymnasts and etc, those are all good points which I hadn’t thought about at first though.

Besides better proprioception and making fun of bodybilders, what is so wrong about using a mirror if it enables you to lift more when the goal in mind is to increase strength? I mean when performing squats the transfer (to sprinting) that I’m looking for with this exercice is more related to leg and hip strength than anything else(even if better core stabilisation is also a factor,but still it’s not the main goal)
Am I missing something?