Stylee's Journal

I’m a moron.I should warm up and stretch.I figured I’d run 3 fast 100s and some stride 200s and get out of here.But I felt something in the hamstring halfway through the first but kept going and finished in 12.1, about half a second off my goal time for today.And then I ran the second one in about the same time but by that time,my hammy was killing me so I left.

Didn’t want to aggravate the Hammy so I just did some bench work.
Leaving for Europe tommorow, so I have no idea how I’m gonna train

As I’ve stated in the sprint training section, I am completly alone for at least a year.
Today:3x30,5x50 all out on all of them.Did some bounding as well,and plan on lifting in a few minutes.Just trying to get in shape after the 2 week layoff.I felt okay,not blazing,but better than expected.

A horse stepped on my foot yesterday (country boy) so no running

This was just to gauge my speed and bring me back to fast running after the layoff while also trying to make it long enough to give me some idea of my endurance.I felt really quick overall,which was suprising.