Strength vs Rhythm

Would like to find your opinion on what you believe makes a better 200m runner. Yes I know both are just as important but which do you lean towards.

i’m a 100 and 200 sprinter but i find it totaly different ,in the 100 i use a lot of power in the start and the drive i slam my shoulders really hard at the begining but the 200 i find my self more relaxed leaving the speed to comenormally without pushing at the beging while maintaining a long stide ( iamm tall 180 cm)and a relaxed upper body motion

My running lacks a lot of rhythm and if I could only improve my running style I’d be a much better sprinter.

That said, I won my 200 race today relying on pure power, so I’ll say strength, but again both are equally important, it’s like picking out a hotter twin from the other.