Strength gains

I like DeFranco for football players. Complex training, Heavy, low rep loads for strength and moderate, higher rep loads for hypertrophy. Also includes work for RFD and acceleration. He is more than willing to share his templates for free and has produced some good results. Not something that would work for a pure sprinter, but for football its very satisfactory.

He’s a skill guy - who cares about getting bigger and stronger.

Is that really what you think? Bigger and stronger doesn’t matter for skill guys? Perhaps one of the most amazing things I’ve ever heard a coach say. But to actually answer a silly question, the original poster cares. If you don’t want to answer his question and help HIM attain HIS goals, fine. But if he feels he needs to be bigger and stonger, and at 6’ 5" he damn well better have some upper body strength, I’m happy to help.

Have you ever played or coached the game at a decent level - plz don’t include peewee? Doesn’t take much to gain muscle mass - we just completed our workout with a little dog crap training aka hypertrophy work at the very end (took about 5mins)…

I thought Charlie used the bench press as a mean of stressing the CNS, while not taxing the muscles involved in sprinting…

this probably depends a bit on the individual though, right? some would need a higher volume than others i assume, though i do see that most people try to do too much (myself included)

i would love to be at a playing weight of 220

right now im at 218 (i already gained 6 pounds since i started this thread!)

I’d like to get up to 230… while adding some much needed strength. Then drop that 10 pounds as the summer wears on. Right now if I did tempo and conditioning stuff, I’d shrink down to a rail thin 200.

i would love to be at a playing weight of 220

right now im at 218 (i already gained 6 pounds since i started this thread!)

I’d like to get up to 230… while adding some much needed strength. Then drop that 10 pounds as the summer wears on. Right now if I did tempo and conditioning stuff, I’d shrink down to a rail thin 200.

You can get smart if you want, your comments speak for themselves. My family includes coaches who have coached at the University of Texas and Texas Tech, among others. I have trained athletes to over 1000lbs. in the squat and 800lbs. in the benchpress. I understand strength and hypertrophy.

To say that size and strength doesn’t factor in to an athletes ability to excel at almost every position in football is quite a statement, to say the least.

And to be using DC training on younger, immature athletes is totally ludicrous. DC training can work for very experienced, very mature lifters who already have a very good base of strength and size. But it is incredibly draining on the CNS because EVERY set is done to failure. Your results will be poorer than alternative hypertrophy methods, such as WSFSB, and the CNS demands resulting from several sets to failure will interfere with other training means. Exactly what you DON’T want to be doing. Even Dante would not recommend this for a younger athlete who doesn’t have an considerable base of strength and mass.

Who cares about your family, I’m talking about “YOU”. BTW, it wasn’t DC training.

My bad, you said dog crap training. I took it to mean Dante Trudel’s DC training, also known as doggcrapp training. Did you actually mean that the training your boys did had the value of canine feces? If it took 5 minutes, you’re probably right.

Haha, if you knew my boss everything we do as a staff has a purpose… You can take that to the bank.

I guess I’m confused…you called it dog crap. Either you meant doggcrapp, which IS DC training, or you were making an insulting remark about your own hypertrophy training. And 5 minutes of hypertrophy serves NO purpose.

He was making a tongue in cheek remark. You know this. Get over it. He is saying that getting bigger is rather easy and making that a focus is a waste of time, and that they let their athletes do some cute work at the end of training to look good for the girls. Come on dude.

Success at the highest level of any sport begins with genetics. During the NFL Combine, Sterling Sharpe, commented “This is something you get out of bed with.”

I think it’s a mistake when coaches take a bit too much credit for athletes’ performances. I sat in on a conversation in which Tony Wells asked a prominent college coach “If hip displacement is the key to sprinting, what do you do to develop it?” The coach simply responded “We just recruit the ones who do it.”

Including, or not including, dog crap training or beach lifts isn’t going to be the difference maker.

What’s your point? I never said it would make a difference…

No, I didn’t recognize it as a tongue in cheek remark. If he was making a joke about a 5 minute hypertrophy routine, fine, but he defended/deflected my question with a comment about how everything has a purpose. I literally thought he was having his kids go through an abreviated doggcrapp hypertrophy workout, and I’m still not sure whether or not that’s what he meant.

And, getting bigger and stronger is not so straightfoward, or there wouldn’t be so many athletes struggling to do it. If you lift in the right rep range with the right intensity, volume and frequency, and and of course eat, yes, you will get bigger and stronger. But with ‘coaches’ spreading the gospel that rep range, volume, frequency and intensity don’t matter, it figures that many in fact do struggle to get bigger and stronger.

As long as you do as many lifts as possible standing on a bosu ball, you’ll be a star athlete. :slight_smile:

only if you have your legs crossed

You didn’t have to say it. The fact that you said dog crap says enough. Also, lr1400 saying “cute” is a bit condescending as well. So much for establishing the requisite physique. So much for Charlie’s advice to look the part first.

My point is initially this was a good discussion that shifted it’s focus to whether or not someone played at a high enough level? I’ve helped train guys that played in the NBA and I’d be lucky if I could dribble past my 12 year old nephew. As far as your coach having a purpose, put a world class chef in McDonald’s and he’ll be limited in what purpose he has for the fries and big macs. I’m not saying he can’t make a decent meal, but it would be a different story if he were in a world class restaurant in Paris.

We have people out there drinking the kool-aid saying not to squat, influenced by a coach whose team has won only 50% of it’s games played since his groundbreaking DVD’s were released. Perhaps the comments on the BOSU indicates a battle going on there as well. When coaches perceived to be at a high level don’t know how to put the meat and potatoes of a workout together, the industry has a bigger problem than what level someone played at.