Stravinsky a performance enhancer

:rolleyes: Inside Lines: Why Mozart is ‘better than drugs’ for sport
By Alan Hubbard
11 April 2004
Never mind the nandrolone. A strong dose of Mozart is more likely to enhance athletic performance. This is the revolutionary theory of a Greek cardiologist who, when not attending to affairs of the heart, busies himself as a composer.

He recommends music as the best stimulant for sporting success and claims that a series of studies have shown that, used in combination with the right diet, “it can act as an energy supplement in the attempt to reduce the use of pharmaceutical substances by young people involved in sport”.

According to Thanassis Dritsas, an adviser to the Greek Olympic team, music is a natural tonic which can banish fatigue and stress, increase muscle power and boost performance on the day.

In his book Music and Medicine, he praises the use of personal CD players for training purposes and says music “might develop into a technique which, unlike doping, does not run counter to Olympic ideals”.

But he stresses that it has to be the right kind of music. Classical rather than trance; symphonies, not rock.

His studies have been conducted in conjunction with a Greek colleague at London’s Brunel University, Professor Costas Karagiorgis. These show that music can relax athletes before an event and “create a positive training environment that increases their kinetic skills”.

Says Dritsas: “Before every workout there should be 10 to 15 minutes of classical music at a slow, easy pace, so that exercise begins at a low pulse-rate to aid the blood flow to the muscles.”

Live music is actually banned during Olympic competition - except for rhythmic gymnastics and synchronised swimming - but, if the Greek philosophy is right, the message is to stop swallowing the steroids and switch on the Strauss. Music to the ears.

What is new in this? That music works upon the body can be verified by anyone . Why did my dad put on some Tom Jones when he invited my soon-to-be mother home?
It is typical of this age that something that is obvious and can be experienced by anyone daily, only becomes interesting when it is presented as science. Man has succumbed to that most unpersonal of authorities: Science.
I await the time when science tells us that when we awake, we have been asleep.

Can we use different musical tempo’s to help athletes find a new level? I read a post where someone said his athletes seemed like they were stuck in the same comfortable rhythm. Could this be pushed through by playing music of a gradually increasing tempo?

If you want to sabotage the other squad, do you play jazz then?

I’ve seen a lot of headphones over the last few years, but I didn’t know it was Mozart they were listening to!

No. The Carpenters!

Or for me, some head-banger garbage. The gym I lift at does that, and okay, it might get you amped for 20 min., but after that it’s ennervating.

Maybe I’ll try some classical pre-practice. I already listen to soothing music after for recovery.

How about the Yanni man? To quote Dave Attell, “First of all, any guy that looks like a magician and doesn’t do magic, I don’t like!!”

The fact that music has an effect is taken for granted by the researchers, and the majority of people on the planet. He is not doing this research to show this, but to argue ‘music [i]s the best stimulant for sporting success’.