Stormy Runs (60-400m)

Friday Rest

Saturday Morning - Mild to Warm
Warmup including usual sprint drills plus 6 x strides each getting faster
3 x 140m @ 95% with 15min rests
abs work

Saturday Evening - Very Warm
Upper Body Session
Abs Work

Sunday Late Morning - Very Warm
Usual warmup including strides high knees bum kicks
a few accels gradually getting quicker
1 x 179m race (against 1 other running 167m) @ 100% - to emulate tomorrow nights
age-graded 200m Hcp Heat (The Landy Trophy)

Monday Evening - Hot Night 35C
The Landy Trophy
200m Age Graded Hcp 179m - 2nd
1000m Age Graded Hcp 894m - 5th
Consolation Final 400m Age Graded 360m 8th
My main aim for the night was to run well in the 200m which i did.
The age graded system essentially means that anyone under 60yo
has virtually no chance of winning either of the finals

Tuesday Evening - Mild
Croydon Masters
80m - 1st in 10.78 (strong headwind)
120m - 1st in 16.06 (as above)
400m run by myself in 67 to finish off the night

Wednesday Evening - Mild
No Masters at Knox tonight
Upper body and abs workout 50mins

how’s eddie travelling??

Yeah he’s still going along ok!

Thursday Evening - Mild to warm but humid
East Burwood Masters
60m - 1st in 7.91
100m Hcp (heat 3) 4th (SCR) didn’t check time
200m 1st in 26.90

My plan is to have 2 weeks off now from running and any leg work
to hopefully help my knee recover fully.

Friday - Rest

Saturday Morning
Upper body and Abs work

Sunday - Rest

Monday Evening - Warm
Upper body and Abs work

Currently on day 4 of a 14 day self imposed racing/running ban
to try and get rid of my left knee niggles.
Vic Masters Champs in 3 weeks so all being well i shall have a
week and a half or so to get ready for it.

Tuesday Evening - Mild to Warm
Day 5/14 of no running or leg work
Upper body and abs session - 50mins

Wednesday - Rest Day

Thursday Night - Rest Day

Friday Night - Upper Body and Abs

Saturday - Boxing Bags 6x2min rnds then Upper Body and Abs

Sunday - Same as Saturday

Monday - Same as Saturday

Tuesday Evening - Very Warm
Day 12/14 of self imposed running ban
Boxing Bags 6x2min rnds followed by various upper body and abs work

Wednesday Evening - Very Warm
Boxing Bags 6x2min rds followed by various upper body and abs work

Thursday - Rest

That completes 14 days of a self imposed break from running to try and get my knee sorted.
Tomorrow night i’ll start running again and we’ll see how it is

Friday Evening - Very Warm
Full warmup including
6 x 60 easy strides gradually increasing effort
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
200m long stride walk
1 x 60m @ 95% followed 12mins later by
1 x 80m @ 95%
abs work to finish

This was my first run for 2 weeks and my knee feels much better

Saturday Morning - Warm
Full warmup including
6 x 60m easy strides gradually increasing effort
3 sets of high knees and bum kicks
5 x 300m quick relaxed with 60s rests
abs work to finish

Spent the next few days with quite a sore back forcing me to stay home
from work and do no training.

Wednesday Evening - Knox Masters (back still quite sore but took Voltaren)
Usual warmup
60m - 2nd in 8.3ish
400m Hcp - 2nd in 65

Thursday Evening - East Burwood Masters
Usual Warmup
70m - 1st in 9.40
110m - 1st in 14.50
Definitely felt sharper than the night before - back still not right though

Friday Evening
Usual Warmup
1 x 60m at 95%

Saturday Afternoon - Victorian Masters Champs
100m - 5th in 13.73 - very strong headwind - felt sluggish with poor start

Sunday Afternoon - Victorian Masters Champs
60m - Silver Medal 8.66 - (strong headwind again-all times very slow)
200m - 4th in 27.52

Monday Evening
Usual Warmup
5x300m at 75% w/60s rests
Various Upper body and abs

Tuesday Evening - Croydon Masters (cool)
Usual warmup then
80m 1st in 10.34
200m as anchor leg of 2x200m relay (received baton about 30m last and made up about 20m)

Wednesday Evening - Knox Masters - (warm)
Usual warmup then
60m - 1st in 8.03
200m - 1st in 26.87
getting closer to where i was about a month ago

East Burwood Masters - Mild
I did it - I won the final of The Gwen Davidson 100m Hcp tonight - a race I targeted about 2 months ago.
My Hcp was 1 metre and I got there right on the line in a field of 10.
Sadly the time wasn’t recorded for it but a short time later I won the
200m in 26.71 - very happy with that

Friday Evening - Cool
1 hour of Upper body and abs work (resting the legs)

Saturday Morning
Usual Warmup then
2 x 300m/30s/150m
clearly didn’t do the first one hard enough so i did a second 15mins later

Saturday Late Afternoon
Usual Warmup then
Upper Body plus abs then
3 sets each of bodyweight deep squats and walking lunges (not too much to start back with
after knee problem)

Sunday Morning
Usual Warmup then
60m at 95% then

Monday - Doncaster Masters
70m - 1st in 9.42
250m - 1st in 34.21

Tuesday - Croydon Masters
400m age-graded Hcp 3rd in 63.20(fastest for quite a while)
150m - 1st in 20.22

Wednesday Evening - Knox Masters (Very Warm)
70m 1st in 9.15
500m 1st in 85.20PB (I led the race and was overtaken by the eventual 2nd placegetter
at around the 250m mark but took the lead back at around 110m and pulled away to win clearly)

Thursday - Rest Day
My system has told me by providing me with a cold that i may have been overdoing it a little!