Stir or Not?

I’ve been using the grill now for all my food over the past 3-4 months as I figured I wsas using too much oil on while frying and was a little concerned with the dangers of heating oil.

I do mis the tastes and falvours of the wok though - Anyone got thoughts or referneces on the positives of negatives of stir frying for me?

Nightmare - do you stir much?

Water and coconut oil…read the chapter on cooking fats that heal and fats the kill…I have learned to change my cooking (yes I did go take private cooking classes in efforts to seduce women) from conventional to performance!

Use the water to keep the temperature lower and reduce the charing.

Ok Clemson thanks for that - I’ll try it -
I use coconut oil for calming very spicy food but I’ll try and use it as a sauce base.

shoot a recipe and I can go over how to make subtle changes to keep it healthy and tasting great…bake and steam!

More importantly Clemson, how did the seduction part go? Was it worth doing?


If you cook for a women at their or your apartment…no lame “cup of coffee” offers to go “upstairs”. You and her are home.You are ready for a bottle of wine to allow her to spot Massage and bodywork mags left carefully on the livingroom table.

I say I was hitting a solid .400 witht that method.

apparently i need to take massage therapy and cooking classes.

Cool Clemson - That’s a decent offer - Though if you want to keep some stuff for proprietary RL products I’ll understand.

  • here’s what I generally work with for my work meals… the basics

3 Chicken Breasts (Skinless etc. )
3 Cups of Broccolli
3 Cups approx. of Spinach
1 Bell Pepper
2 Cups of Cauliflower
1 Onion
Other Greens (aparagos string greens etc)

To Taste:
Garlic (I don’t give a F*$k what anyone thinks it’s good for me so shove it)

Olive Oil etc.

Generally I just grill all - or George does it for me - splash on a little flavour and bingo I’m away.

For taste - Usually I mix in a little soy sauce (very little) maybe balsamc vingear or oyster sauce also.
I’m not into sauces much - but just once I get a little flavour I’m happy.

The Fruit is another story - but basically limited to a few slices of sweet Pinepapple throughout the day.

I’ve done the steaming stuff before - but doesn’t it take a bit long?

Now - baking - I haven’t tried that.
There’s another cool idea!!