
Anyone have any experience with this product?


Frequently Asked
Questions & Answers

1 What is Stim-O-Stam? A dietary supplement used as a phosphate fuel.

#2 What does it do? Reduces lactic acid, increases VO2 Max, minimizes muscle soreness, inhibits muscle pulls and strains.

3 What else does it do? Accelerates recovery, improves the maximum and resting heart rates and enhances work efficiency, while extending endurance.

4 How does Stim-O-Stam work? Taken before exercise or activity, Stim-O-Stam creates a “stock- pile” of phosphates in the blood. These phosphates provide more usable muscle energy (ATP)

Also, Stim-O-Stam reduces heart and respiratory rates, which increases the availability of oxygen and subsequently reduces lactic acid, thus maintaining pH balance.

5 Are there any side effects? None.

Stim-O-Stam is safe and can be used by everyone, except those persons on medication or under a physician’s care.

6 Is Stim-O-Stam proven? Yes!

It is only available phosphate fuel that is proven. There are six double-blind studies to support the Stim-O-Stam product.

I’ve heard from lots of Americans about stim-o-stam yet I’ve never heard of it up in Canada. I think it’s popular at colleges and catches on from there. Are there any other brands along this line?

I almost forgot about this stuff. I’ve never used it, but I’ve seen it advertised for years. I’m also curious as to anyone’s experiences with this product. Even though this stuff has been around a long time, you don’t hear much about it. But on the other hand, it seems like most of the best supplements cruise along under the marketing radar screen but stick around for a long time. Stim-0-stam has been around for 45 years. How many other flashier supplements have survived that long?


after i got your email, i fired off an email to their head office to see if they have a distributor in Canada. ill keep everyone up north posted. i saw on their website that the calgary stampeders are on “the list” of teams that use the products. im going to try and track down their head trainer to see what his take is.

thanks again!

i bought a bottle about 10 years ago, i think i still have it in one of my bags. i figured if it buffered the acid even a little it would be worth it.

it must have worked a little because if i had to run a 400 today, i would take it. lol
the main reason i got it was so it would nt upset my stomach like sodium bicarbonate at the end or during a race.

I know that a Canadian coach from Manitoba was using it with his athletes in the early 90´s. They were sprinters, and I am not sure if it was exclusively the 400 sprinters in his group or the shorter sprinters as well. He recommended it at that time. I don´t know if he was getting it in Canada or buying it in or from the States. We were in Provo Utah at the time (BYU).